At My Wits End



  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Just wanted to share with you my experience with tastes changing...since I was so under my calories yesterday due to the amount of exercise I did, I wanted to 'treat' myself with some instant roasted garlic potatoes. I planned to to have 2 cups of it, LOL! they were SO salty and strange tasting, I don't know how I ever preferred that processed crap over an actual plain baked potato. I ended up only being able to eat a 1/2 cup.

    Your tastes will change. You can do it!
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I know groceries are high, but if you buy a turkey breast or turkey even better, or chicken all of it can be seperated and made into numerous meals Turkey one day, turkey salad the next , turkey soups same with chicken. you add potato veggies or rice and you can have several meals. A Cost up front , but when its broke down ,cost wise its actually cheaper to cook than buying $3 and $4 frozen pre packaged meals. Lean hamburger can be made several ways. Chuck roast makes great veggie soup starter or even a beef bone. Fresh veggies should last you if its only you eating them. If you are worried about spoilage, fresh green beans can be frozen along with peppers to add to your food dishes later.
    While you are out of work, check with your social services about some food help,,there is no shame in getting a little help when you need it.. Good luck
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I'm tempted to be mean, like really mean, just because your post sounds like you're determined not to change. You can change. You just have to try new things little by little. Weight loss is a learning process with setbacks and successes along the way. You have to build up to many different habits that will be sustainable for life.

    monitor your drink intake, and see if you're getting enough water, and remove other liquids from your diet until you can put them back reasonably.

    foods you don't like, try them new ways, get a cookbook.

    exercise, don't have to pass out or be sore for it to be a good workout, just need to do one, and invest at least 15-30minutes a day if that's what you can manage. there are a million workouts on youtube, even ones you can do from your chair.

    there are many people who think they don't like certain foods, when in reality they may not have eaten them in a long time, or can't remember what they didn't like about it. try different brands of food items.

    worst case, you do hate everything, take what you like and have smaller portions of it, that should help as well.
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    I think that is very very harsh. The fact I have asked for peoples help, and after 25 days, acknowledging that what I'm doing is not working means I WANT to do this. I completely refute what you have said. As per someones advice, I have also tweaked my settings on here, and within the next few minutes, I am off to the shops to buy some greens, blueberries, raspberries, peppers, chicken filletts.

    If I had no intention of changing or didn't wanted to change, I wouldn't embarrass myself in asking for peoples help. In future, please could you save your negativity and aim it somewhere else? I want this for me, and any support and help, and guidance I can obtain I'm appreciative of, and I will not let people like you put me off asking for help either.
    I'm tempted to be mean, like really mean, just because your post sounds like you're determined not to change. You can change. You just have to try new things little by little. Weight loss is a learning process with setbacks and successes along the way. You have to build up to many different habits that will be sustainable for life.

    monitor your drink intake, and see if you're getting enough water, and remove other liquids from your diet until you can put them back reasonably.

    foods you don't like, try them new ways, get a cookbook.

    exercise, don't have to pass out or be sore for it to be a good workout, just need to do one, and invest at least 15-30minutes a day if that's what you can manage. there are a million workouts on youtube, even ones you can do from your chair.

    there are many people who think they don't like certain foods, when in reality they may not have eaten them in a long time, or can't remember what they didn't like about it. try different brands of food items.

    worst case, you do hate everything, take what you like and have smaller portions of it, that should help as well.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    "My best tool in dieting down was patience."
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Eat less than your TDEE and you will lose weight. How quickly this happens is very individual.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Way too many carbs and processed foods. Eating clean is less expensive once you learn how to do it.
    Eat all of the calories that MFP sets for you, keep your carbs lower, and unles you have a medical issue, you will lose weight.
    I've decided to go very low carb and it is working for me.

    Good luck. We are all here for you!
  • poichie67
    poichie67 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't be discourage, take a look at your food journal. Do you burn more that you are putting in your body? a friend told me, if you drink a class of water with lemon in the morning it will jump start your metabolism.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat less than your TDEE and you will lose weight. How quickly this happens is very individual.

  • Mishadijo
    Mishadijo Posts: 36 Member
    All i can tell you is what seems to be working for me. And its real real simple. I stay at or below MFP recommended calorie intake for my goals. I indicate that I do zero exersize each week so that MFP took into consideration the least active i would be when calculating my recommended calorie intake each day. MFP spit out the recommended daily amount and all i am doing is eating all the same foods i've always eaten, but staying within the calories each day.

    Works for me wonderfully so far! Bottom line, you can try all these different options and ideas. However the simple truth of our systems is this, it takes calories to gain weight! Burn more than you take in and you lose weight. But don't starve yourself so that your system kicks into starvation mode. Follow the recommended calories on MFP, at least that works for me.

    Oh, and last but most important. Believe! Stick with it! And hold this as YOUR priority above all else, for YOU.

    Have a wonderful journey, its not an easy one but stay positive !
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I think that is very very harsh. The fact I have asked for peoples help, and after 25 days, acknowledging that what I'm doing is not working means I WANT to do this. I completely refute what you have said. As per someones advice, I have also tweaked my settings on here, and within the next few minutes, I am off to the shops to buy some greens, blueberries, raspberries, peppers, chicken filletts.

    If I had no intention of changing or didn't wanted to change, I wouldn't embarrass myself in asking for peoples help. In future, please could you save your negativity and aim it somewhere else? I want this for me, and any support and help, and guidance I can obtain I'm appreciative of, and I will not let people like you put me off asking for help either.
    I'm tempted to be mean, like really mean, just because your post sounds like you're determined not to change. You can change. You just have to try new things little by little. Weight loss is a learning process with setbacks and successes along the way. You have to build up to many different habits that will be sustainable for life.

    monitor your drink intake, and see if you're getting enough water, and remove other liquids from your diet until you can put them back reasonably.

    foods you don't like, try them new ways, get a cookbook.

    exercise, don't have to pass out or be sore for it to be a good workout, just need to do one, and invest at least 15-30minutes a day if that's what you can manage. there are a million workouts on youtube, even ones you can do from your chair.

    there are many people who think they don't like certain foods, when in reality they may not have eaten them in a long time, or can't remember what they didn't like about it. try different brands of food items.

    worst case, you do hate everything, take what you like and have smaller portions of it, that should help as well.

    AND, you COMPLETELY ignored the advice that followed, oh well
  • rolo1978
    rolo1978 Posts: 12
    I can relate to what you say about being a picky eater, but you can overcome it. For instance i used to hate peppers (still can't stand them raw) but i started adding a bit to soups and after a while I got to like the taste. So I tried them roasted with cous cous and feta cheese and now it is one of my favourites. To start with I was eating things I wasn't keen on because I know they are good for me. I am looking at is as like introducing new foods to a toddler. Apparently you have to give it to them up to 20 times before they accept them, so i am doing this for me. Next big step for me is fish. I know it is lean and very nutritious but I have it in my head that I won't like it. I tried tuna steak recently and although it is not my favourite food ever, it's not awful and i will eat it. Try stirfies if you like green veggies with a bit of chicken breast, add a low cal sauce and it is very tasty. I had beef strips, stirfry veggies, noodles ands sauce for lunch today and it was a massive plateful for under 400 cals! You can add me if you like and I'll try my best to encourage you and give you ideas.
  • i noticed that your daily goal changes every day. sometimes the calorie goal is 2,000 and sometimes it is over 3,000. it changes daily. are you changing this? i agree with the earlier post that you might need to stay with a goal and a plan for a few weeks, maybe a month. i have always been told, you havent gained that much in a day or a week or a month, you cant lose it all in a day a week or a month. consistency is key
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    Almost 4 weeks in and I'm not losing. I read so much confliscting advice. Up your calories, reduce them. I'm just so confused. I can't alter what I'm actually eating much as I'm a VERY fussy eater, and there's probably alot more foods I don't like, than actually like. People have also said ditch the scales, and go bt measurements, but my measurements have increased.

    Just wish I would see results, and know how many calories I should consume to get the desired results, as I'm adhering to what it tells me on here, yet it's still not working.

    My advise, which you probably won't like is -

    if you want this:
    "Just wish I would see results"

    You HAVE to change this:

    "I can't alter what I'm actually eating much as I'm a VERY fussy eater"

    There is no other way around it, in my opinion.
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    I have been more than happy with the advice (consistent advice) others have provided, thank you :)
    I think that is very very harsh. The fact I have asked for peoples help, and after 25 days, acknowledging that what I'm doing is not working means I WANT to do this. I completely refute what you have said. As per someones advice, I have also tweaked my settings on here, and within the next few minutes, I am off to the shops to buy some greens, blueberries, raspberries, peppers, chicken filletts.

    If I had no intention of changing or didn't wanted to change, I wouldn't embarrass myself in asking for peoples help. In future, please could you save your negativity and aim it somewhere else? I want this for me, and any support and help, and guidance I can obtain I'm appreciative of, and I will not let people like you put me off asking for help either.
    I'm tempted to be mean, like really mean, just because your post sounds like you're determined not to change. You can change. You just have to try new things little by little. Weight loss is a learning process with setbacks and successes along the way. You have to build up to many different habits that will be sustainable for life.

    monitor your drink intake, and see if you're getting enough water, and remove other liquids from your diet until you can put them back reasonably.

    foods you don't like, try them new ways, get a cookbook.

    exercise, don't have to pass out or be sore for it to be a good workout, just need to do one, and invest at least 15-30minutes a day if that's what you can manage. there are a million workouts on youtube, even ones you can do from your chair.

    there are many people who think they don't like certain foods, when in reality they may not have eaten them in a long time, or can't remember what they didn't like about it. try different brands of food items.

    worst case, you do hate everything, take what you like and have smaller portions of it, that should help as well.

    AND, you COMPLETELY ignored the advice that followed, oh well
  • kbd388
    kbd388 Posts: 125 Member
    I am a super picky eater so I pretty much eat the same thing every single day. I had lost 21 pounds, and then was stuck for almost 2 months, so I lowered my calorie intake to 1270 and I have lost 7 pounds since then (in 3 weeks). I also take a B12 vitamin every day. I walk every single day at 4.0 mph for at least 45 minutes. I eat my exercise calories back and I am not starving. I also drink lots and lots of water and no more diet coke. This is what works for me. Good luck to you!
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    I also wanted to just add that losing weight and making changes takes time. I can understand your frustration but 25 days is really nothing in the scope of making life-long changes.

    good luck!

    edited to add: darling I see no fruit or vegetables in your diary entries at all. this could be one of the reasons why the weight is not shifting. you need some of this fibre in your diet, you can't just get by on what you are eating. Are there any fruits or veg that you like at all?

    also what about some good fats? you need to "oil up the machinery" to get things running. If there are any veggies you like, make a little salad out of them, and drizzle 5ml of olive oil on top, maybe add some white wine vinegar.

    think about adding some colour to your food. right now it looks like there's a lot of brown or white. if veggies are challenging to you, pick one to try for a whole week straight and THEN give yourself a treat such as ice cream. Figure out some rewards for yourself (non-food are best but we all like a treat now and again) write them down where you can see them and then follow through.

    Honestly you need to change the fussiness because in the end it's what is going to save you!!
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    Only changes I have made are today as per someones advice. I had been eating back exercise kcal's though, if that's what you mean maybe?

    Anyway, thank you for the support and advice everyone. I will continue to refer back to this when I need to. I have just been to my local supermarket, and stocked up on fresh chicken, apples, blueberries, raspberries, green beans, eggs, peppers, savoy cabbage, 1 kcal fry light, bananas. As for the processed foods I still have here, I can't afford to throw them, so I will have to use them up in small amounts until they are gone (only a few days worth).

    Before using MFP, I lost almost 6 stone low carbing (and kept all bar 3lbs of it off), so to the person who seemed to believe I don't take my weighloss seriously, you can keep your comments and advice, and to everyone else, hopefully my unprocessed ingredients should make a difference.

    Before I forget, somebody made a good comment about food prepartation kcals, and I agree, I won't add things like that anymore, they don't break a sweat. I do however work hard on my Wii (daily if possible), and finish with a bright red sweat face and ringing wet hair! I also swim a mile each week.
    i noticed that your daily goal changes every day. sometimes the calorie goal is 2,000 and sometimes it is over 3,000. it changes daily. are you changing this? i agree with the earlier post that you might need to stay with a goal and a plan for a few weeks, maybe a month. i have always been told, you havent gained that much in a day or a week or a month, you cant lose it all in a day a week or a month. consistency is key
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Weight loss is about calorie levels. You can go nuts listening to the food police here and their talk of veggies and sodium and carbs and processed foods but it doesn't matter to weight loss. Pick a calorie level that feels like a deficit-- You should be eating considerably less than you used to but not feel physically starved... and give it another month. If you're regularly breaking 2000+ calories I have a feeling it's too high.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    Weight loss is about calorie levels. You can go nuts listening to the food police here and their talk of veggies and sodium and carbs and processed foods but it doesn't matter to weight loss. Pick a calorie level that feels like a deficit-- You should be eating considerably less than you used to but not feel physically starved... and give it another month. If you're regularly breaking 2000+ calories I have a feeling it's too high.

    so it's being the food police to suggest to someone to eat veggies, less processed foods and watch sodium?

    replies like this is why i should stay out of the forums. do you want to lose weight now and then regain it? well then go ahead and don't give a single crap about WHERE your calories are actually coming from.