

  • Back when I first lost weight (yes gained it back go figure) anyway, I went by "I didn't get fat by eating fruits and veggies" of coarse if you eat 55 watermelons your going to gain weight, but eating more fruit and veggies wont hurt you. We got fat from eating to much fat and over eating, not because we had 2 pieces of…
  • Not sure how smart this is; but if you go to GNC you can get some whey protein. It has a decent amount of calories, and it's good for you. It's just protein. I'd do it before you do exercise, and after. That way you don't have to eat 2k calories all at once. I have a buddy that does that.
  • I am always scared of scratching it lol. Can I use a metal spatula? Does that scratch them? I'm gunna do as you said, but I have the spatula question now lol.