

  • useful stuff thanks
  • yes see? you had the answer inside you all along. although its easier said than done, its miles from impossible. youre right about "friends" not wanting you to improve or grow because it makes THEM uncomfortable and obsolete than you.. but the next time you hear bs like that, just say in your head "then i WILL look better…
  • try this: first day - run for 15-20 mins. hard enough to get your heart rate going. then right after go do your strength training but in circuits. pick about 5-7 of your favorite routines, weight should be heavy enough for you to do 15-20 reps. do the routines right after another for 15-20 reps each, not stopping, but…
  • oh man i can relate to you in countless ways. i have been overweight for most of my life as well. i was 220 lbs during my sophomore year and from that point it was just pure self neglect and 250 was my peak at 19 years old. i also struggled with emotional issues concerning bad self image, social awkwardness, lack of…
  • growing up in a filipino family, rice is a constant part of our diet. but now at least 5 days of the week i dont eat rice at all and if i do, its very little. i also try to eat basmati rice for the lowered calories and lowered effects on the blood sugar. for about a week now ive been drinking 2 servings of whey protein…
  • kinda agree with this guy. in my opinion, youre probably just over thinking it. but what about your caffeine intake? that can definitely speed up your heartrate, thats why pre-workout drinks for bodybuilders contain a lotta caffeine to get give them that kick. and also, are you warming up properly? a moderate stretch…
  • well im on the INSANITY program so for a couple weeks now i take a scoop or two of whey protein with water. thats 27g of protein per scoop with 3g of carbs and almost no fat. and with the water it makes it easier to be absorbed. its too early to see results though, but im hoping to get cut and at the same time get that…
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