

  • Great to see all these comments from fellow gamers, i think we are one of the most dedicated demographics to our passion. If we can make health a passion like gaming, we'd be unstoppable.
  • Totally agree!
  • Me too! Except mine would be from gameboy - pc - xbox - tablet
  • What are you playing right now?
  • That is cool, i don't know how I haven't stumbled upon it before.
  • Hey everyone, James here. I'm a 26 year old male, which most of the years have been spent playing games. I enjoy a diverse category of games. I've always been one that has to be constantly playing something so, besides at work I'm usually on my handheld when I get home, then move to computer and play some Diablo then jump…
  • @ spanglemagnet, WoW is one thing I cut out in college, I just didn't have enough time to really immerse myself into it. My problem would be my ADD mentality of always having to be playing something. I usually get home and jump on a handheld while I'm cooking and stuff, then move to my computer and play some Diablo 3 then…
  • By gaming I mean anything associated with video games. I personally have a passion for all types of games: arcades, computer, consoles, handhelds, etc. I guess since I usually speak more figuratively it may seem confusing. If you check my profile you'd get it.