Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • Isaanne
    Isaanne Posts: 41 Member
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    No, but have always wanted - just not enough time.

    I work in the games industry and mostly enjoy RPG, RTS and adventure games. Love Star Wars games. Also social games on FB and the latest cool thing on my iPhone and iPad. Diablo 3 is my latest (playing on my mac) and various games on the Wii with my kids.
    I have played a lot of games over the years but find that I don't devote enough hours to be truly hardcore.

    What are your weightloss goals?!
    Want to drop 60 pounds and get back to my weight I was before having kids.
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Before MFP I lost 14 pounds, but just started today here.
    Walk on the Beach?
    Of course! I prefer hiking in the mountains - less sand in my shoes, but the beach is nice. I think I would like it more if I felt more comfortable in a bathing suit.
  • cjweeden
    cjweeden Posts: 5
    I'm Corey
    I got hooked on MMORPG's when EQ came out, currently playing Rift.
    I've never LARPed, don't really think there are any groups around me.
    I'm a Biomedical Equipment Technician.
    I'm Also a member of the NYANG, 6 years to retire, have to lose weight and get back in shape to get it done.
    I'd like to eventually get below 200 lbs, but currently I'm looking at being 230 or less by August.
  • phodujour
    phodujour Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Phoebe! I'm 22, female, and I'm going to lose 60 lbs so I can shop at regular stores. I love to swim and take walks for exercise, but playing work-out mode on Just Dance 3 is my favorite.

    My favorites:
    -Red Dead Redemption (allll time favorite)
    -Bioshock series
    -Ratchet and Clank series (but not All 4 One or the one that was just Clank, ugh)
    -Little Big Planet
    -Brutal Legend
    -Just Dance 3
    -Super Mario Galaxy 2
    -Mario Kart
    -Pokemon Battle Revolutions
    -Animal Crossing: City Folk
    -GTA San Andreas
    -Donkey Kong 64
    -Pokemon Stadium (1&2)
    -Mario 64
    -Crusin' Exotica
    -Army Men
    -Pokemon Heart Gold, Pearl
    -Animal Crossing: Wild World

    (to name a few)
  • _Laughter
    _Laughter Posts: 17
    Hello. :D

    I'm Jewel, 25 years old and married. I have been an obsessed fan of games since I was little. I mostly play MMOs but I have a few other games I enjoy. I played WoW from 2004 - Now. Have spent a year or less in Rift, SWTOR, and Aion. I am currently playing FFXIV, Diablo 3 and waiting for Guild Wars 2.

    I'm a social media addict. ;>.>

    Outside of gaming I am a HUGE Game of Thrones fan as well as True Blood and Harry Potter. I love wine and beer.
  • verybadcat
    verybadcat Posts: 2 Member
    Hiya, male, 30y/o, 6'5'' check the ticker for more weight info lol D: Just dropped in to say hi and hopefully meet some folks on here with similar interests.

    Game wise I'm into mmo's, rpgs, sandbox sims, hell anything fun even casual app stuff. Been gaming since I was a kiddo so I think I'm finally in the geezer range of gamers. :3

    oh, and yes I RP but no I don't LARP, though it looks pretty fun.
  • bkuester
    bkuester Posts: 3 Member
    Who are you?
    Female or male?
    -I love role playing games if that counts. Pen and Paper, text based, video games, whatever.
    -Never done it. Interested, but not enough to seek it out.
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    -My goal is to get my weight down to 200 pounds. I lost 60 pounds last year doing the Insanity workout and watching what I was eating. Unfortunately I got worse and worse with staying on the wagon and gained 30 pounds back.
    How many pounds have you lost?
    -Just started my journey back to 200.
    Walk on the Beach?
    -Not often. Would much rather be playing with my band. Gotta have priorities.
  • Sveid
    Sveid Posts: 37 Member
    Hiya! I'm Ariel. I'm a 20 year old lady. :D

    I love to RP on forums and MMOs. Currently, I'm playing TERA on the only roleplaying server, Celestial Hills. I don't LARP, but I've always wanted to. The closest I've come is D&D, sadly, but I'm DMing a group right now! So nerve-wracking, haha.

    Other than MMOs, I play Team Fortress 2. I used to play a bunch of RPGs, but I'm living on a college budget, so I haven't been able to persuade myself to purchase any new roleplaying games. My last one was Skyrim. Bought it for myself for a birthday present. >.> But I play bunches of them, especially Bioware games. However, I've been playing older roleplaying games on my phone (yay ROMs!) and need to beat Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne sometime soon.

    I am 5'2'' and currently 130 lbs HOPING to get to about 105 or 110 lbs -before- putting on a little muscle. After that, I don't care. As long as I'm a lean, mean, exercising machine, I'm good. I just want to fit into a size four or five again. So far, I've lost one pound. I'm currently doing Beachbody's Insanity, so wish me luck! I want to compete in the Warrior Dash next year, so I have a long way to go!

    I love long walks on the beach, but I live in the desert. >.>

    Feel free to add me! :D
  • yo_sushi
    yo_sushi Posts: 77
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!
    Hi my name is Gareth
    I'm 33
    No rp or larp just mmorpg and fps
    Needed to lose 35 kg
    Lost 20 (44 lbs)
    I don't like the beach
    Don't like pina colladas
    Don't like being caught in the rain
  • Ledgehanger
    Ledgehanger Posts: 125 Member
    I'm a guy that's a little older than dirt (amongst gamers) at a ripe old 42. :laugh:

    To call myself an "avid" gamer really is an exaggeration. It used to be true, but I just haven't had the time in the last couple of years. I like to play games, but just haven't done it much for a couple of years. I used to play WoW quite a bit, but I stopped because all of the friends I made eventually would leave me behind and I'd be holding them back if they tried to "wait" for me. With it being such a social game, I got tired of the "single serving friends" aspect. (It was also a time sink that I couldn't afford, even at my casual level at the time.)

    Having said that, I think that restarting my fitness journey will give me some chance to play games (not necessarily back to WoW) more than I have in the recent past, as I have a TV with a PS3 set up in front of my elliptical. (I get bored if I'm *just* doing elliptical...) If anybody wants to play a game with me while I'm exercising, I'd be up for it! :)

    I currently weigh in at a little over 270, and I want to drop to be under 200 - so this is a long term effort. I've just (re)started after not doing anything to work on my fitness for a couple of years, so I've only lost about eight pounds so far. The positive spin on that is that I have LOTS of opportunity for future success... :ohwell:

    Feel free to friend the old guy! :bigsmile:
  • scrowl86
    scrowl86 Posts: 12 Member
    I am Shannon
    I am a 25 yr old female
    I may not LARP but I love Renn faire's
    I want to loose a lot of weight and be the fox I see myself as
    I was down to 220 but after marriage and stress and life I am at 294
    I play only one game but i play it a lot- WOW
    I do a lot of other stuff to obviously.
  • Hi my names Justin its nice to meet all of you. I'm a 24 year old male or at least that was the stat of things last I checked. I've done a bit of role playing still play DnD every now and than but I've never larped. Kinda curious about it though. I'd love to drop from 220 to 200 and kinda take it from there. Looking to get some muscle on me as well I've got week flabby arms and that's just no good. On my own I've lost about 10 pounds in about half a year which is also not very good. I'd like to think I work better when I could be held accountable and that's why I'm here. And yes I'd love a walk on the beach.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    Jaimrlx :smokin:
    I'm 22 and female.
    RP? Sure. I play RPGs and MMORPGs, also I've dabbled into D&D a little bit.
    LARP? Never.
    I'm currently 178. I am trying to reach my HS weight of 120. A lot of work, but I'll get there eventually.
    I've lost 21 lbs from my overall high weight of 199.. and 5 since being on MFP.
    Walk on the beach? Sure! Let me grab my laptop.

    Feel free to add! Steam: jaimrlx.
  • Hi guys!, John, I'm 23 yr old Male. Im currently 245, my goal is 220. I play Mostly RIFT.
    Feel free to add:
    Xbox: LilJapSkoolGirl
    Rift: Deepwood Defiant: Pixxxel
  • Ollo! The name's Dany, I'm 22 years old and f to the email. Don't let the name fool you, it's just a testament to Freud's penis theory. I do a lot of text based role play, online gaming such as WoW, The Sims, Tetris, Minesweep and such. I also do a little D&D, Final Fantasy, LBP, stuff like that. I'm very much a girl gamer, but I can sit through a game of Halo and not complain :) I started my weight loss about four or five months ago, lost about fifty pounds, then joined MFP to properly keep track of myself. My ultimate goal is 160, but right now I'm aiming to get below 200.

    Right now, I'm not gaming as much due to wanting to stay active, plus a lot of my tech stuff got ruined in recent flooding. But, if anyone's interested in chatting you are more than welcome to add me here :) Good luck everyone!
  • Allihexen
    Allihexen Posts: 111 Member
    Hey, everyone.

    Name's Alli. I'm 23 and obviously a chick. :P I roleplay on GaiaOnline as well as IMVU. I also play WoW, Forsaken World and the Sims. I love DanceDanceRevolution, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy. Never LARPed though, but I've been in the position since I'm a con goer. Been to well over a hundred and fifty in my life (yay for having con-going parents! :D). I used to attend eight or more a year, but now, I pretty much only go to Dragon*Con or a few small cons near my home.

    When I started on MFP back in January of this year, I weighed 204 pounds and looked as well as felt awful. Since then, I've lost 22 pounds and am currently holding steady at 182 with a goal of 154. I want to be skinnier for myself so I'm able to be healthier, but at the same time, I also want to be the type of daughter my parents can brag about for being successful in something. I also would like to look good in a bikini to my boyfriend.

    If anyone wants to know more, just message or add me. :)
  • Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!
    I'm David!
    I'm 45
    Wanna lose about 65 lbs
    Just started
    Yes I like longs walks on the beach and poking dead things with a stick.
    I started RPGs back in *cough*1982*cough* with the boxed D&D set (not AD&D, that huge step in geekdom came a few months later.
    Since then I have played a ton of games. Some of my favorites over the years have been Ultima IV, X-Com: UFO Defense (greatetst game ever), Ultima Online, Everquest, WoW, Rift, City of Heroes, SW:TOR and LOTRO.
    REALLY looking forward to Guild Wars 2. I hope they pull it off.
  • Hey everyone, James here. I'm a 26 year old male, which most of the years have been spent playing games. I enjoy a diverse category of games. I've always been one that has to be constantly playing something so, besides at work I'm usually on my handheld when I get home, then move to computer and play some Diablo then jump over to a console and play some Fifa, Skyrim or Battlefield. I love games, my favorite of all time would have to be Ms. Pacman, first true love, lol. I don't play D&D, but i do like Settlers of Catan. I'd like to lose about 25-30lbs from where i'm at now. Walk on the beach...only if there are zombies invading like Normandy.

    Friend me!
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    Hiiiii! I'm Hannah, I'm 22 and last time I checked I was female :D I LOVE RP, mainly MMO's, table top and card games (Got to love me some Magic the Gathering, white and/or green every time) and I seriously need to do some more LARP. I aaaaaaalso love to play consoles but with a new puppy the wires have been packed away safe and sound for the past couple of months D: which SUCKS as my on/off boyfriend lent me Final Fantasy 7 thru 12.
    I want to lose about 100lbs, give or take, and I have no idea how many pounds I've lost so far, but I'm starting to see a bit of a difference.
  • lainey486
    lainey486 Posts: 10
    I am Alaina, I am 24 and about to graduate college. I love all video games. I actually collect consoles (they must be working consoles), and am just missing a couple more to complete my collection. I grew up on the NES, and then on DOS games for the PC. I am very loyal to nintendo, and even though I own other brands, I play Mario, Zelda and other nintendo brands much more. five years ago I graduated from dial-up, and got a beast of a computer. I became a WoW addict. I have several classes at current max level, but hardly log in at this point. I am starting to lose interest in the game it seems, or maybe this expansion and patch are just lasting too long to keep me entertained. So I got Diablo 3. But with summer courses, I don't get to play that much either, and have yet to even get one toon to 60. I must say that playing WoW gave me a lot of confidence and brought out leadership skills in me. I am much more confident in front of real people today than I was before I led raids, a guild, and then went back to being a puppetmaster of the guild leader. I do not play farmville or any other facebook type of games. Back in 2000 or so, I was a hardcore Simmer though.
    I want to lose at most 20-25 pounds. I love my curves, and I am barely what I would consider fat anyway. Being a full time student, a part time employee, and a quarter time raid leader gave me little room for exercise in the past, especially with how much I love sleep. But now I am exercising 4-6 days a week, and eating less at the computer. I have outlawed any kind of large quantity anywhere near where I raid, since we all know what happens with a bag of lays while raiding and cussing out all the incompetent morons who play the lovely game.
    I started trying to change my lifestyle 6 weeks ago, and have lost 2 pounds since then. I am not cheating on myself, turns out I also have hypothyroidism. Now that I am properly medicated as of this week, hopefully the pounds will be less reluctant to come off.
  • Hi, I'm Nicole...most of my gaming friends know me as Achtland(no it's not pronounced like the place in Australia, sorry folks). I've been an avid gamer since I was small. My very first gaming addiction was NOT mario(oddly enough). It was mortal combat....for the SNES. My brother used to destroy me. All.The.Time. Until I learned to cheese him on Melena.

    Fast forward many moons, and I'm a current WoW guild/raid leader. Yes you nerds, I'm a female, SUCCESSFUL raid/guild leader when i'm not on hiatus. Ladies represent. I'm currently destroying Ghom on inferno as a wizard. I'm a supporter of what I call the real casual gamer. These are people who do indeed play casually but are entirely capable of running with hardcore top gamers in any type of game of preference. I do not believe that casual gaming means bad gaming =D

    I've played all the diablo games, multiple final fantasy games(*cry* 10-2 100% ending took up a year of my life). Two zelda games, Mario games of multiple flavours. I was a guild wars 1 baby and I'm currently waiting for guildwars 2 to come out.

    I also enjoy long walks on the beach, candle lit din--no I don't. :)

    I've two cats, one dog and a husband(yes they go in the animal category)
