Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • kchen135
    I'm Kevin, age 22, and male. I've never RP or LARP before.

    My weight loss goal has been to get to 145, but I am recently trying to bulk up to about 165 before I start cutting. As a result, I'm back to my original weight but I have replaced fat with muscle!

    I'll take a walk on the beach because those can be pretty relaxing.

    Games I like to play are Skyrim, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto, Starcraft, Marvel vs Capcom, and most recently, Rocksmith (trying to pick up the guitar again). Feel free to add me fellow gamers!
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Who are you! - Tina aka Noire or Mistress Noire in the gaming world

    Age 30


    RP? sometimes

    LARP? No

    What are your weightloss goals?! I have another 56lbs left to lose

    How many pounds have you lost? I gained almost 200lbs when I quit smoking 12yrs ago replacing it with bad foods, March 2009 my docs said don't even think of having kids being 330lbs.... in 19months I dropped 156lbs then we got to buying/selling houses i put about 40lbs back on, now I have another 56lbs to get to my first goal of 160lbs =)

    Walk on the Beach? Sure why not =P
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I'm Sharon. I'm 29 - but not for much longer :sad:
    I want to lost at least 75lbs (the icon photo is me at 25 to remind me to keep going)

    I don't buy every game out there but I get obsessive with the games I love, I can't afford new games the only games I will pre-order are GTA and Saints Row so I'm usually a few years behind (only just played Portal) I never trade my games and keep all my consoles, plan to buy some of the older ones I missed out on, top of my list is a Dreamcast.
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    Hiya!!! im sam

    Age? 24ish... somewhere around there.
    Female or male? female...
    LARP? never done it but i do have a few mates who are into it.. i prefer to watch
    What are your weightloss goals?! currently 82kg, aiming for 70-65kg.. so i can fit back into my steampunk and 50s gear.

    my partner collects old school consoles and games so i can blame him for the obsession.. but then i was always a little odd. i collect taxidermy, tamagotchis and i LOVE dumpster diving! i am also addicted to tattoos and want to be that old woman on her lawn shooting kids off the grass.

    i LOVE sega, N64 games and gameboys.
    POKEMON!! *squees* OMG. i would die if my gameboy ever gave up the ghost..

    minecraft??? YES.
    steam?? got myself a steam login a couple months back and then my laptop died so i havent really been on it since.. attempting to learn how to play TF2.. name is i_have_tonsils
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    Hi! Name's Sunny. I'm 19. I'm a girl.
    I RP quite a bit in my spare time, and I used to LARP with my friends, but we started getting busy with school and work... You know how that is.

    I don't have really any weight loss goals. I'm wanting to lose inches more than I am pounds.
    However, that being said, I think I'll be happy with my body around 140 lbs. I say this because I'm currently 190 and have a 33" waist, which is sort of thin for how much I weigh, even though it's not where I want it to be. Most people can't guess my weight.
    I've lost 5 lbs already, but have lost 7" in my waist since January 1st. I've just been drinking more water and only eating when I'm actually hungry rather than just eating out of boredom. I work out VERY little, which I know isn't good, but I find it hard to work out when I can feel my tummy and bewbs jiggle every time I'm running.

    I like mostly horror video games and rpgs.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    Who are you!
    - I iz KINRAD hear me whimper!
    - 39
    Female or male?
    - I iz male, but I prefer females...
    - Not too much
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    - currently about 25 more pounds
    How many pounds have you lost?
    - lost 100, gained 30, lost 5, net 25 to go
    Walk on the Beach?
    - you coming too?

    Currently playing : City of Heroes (8+ years), SWTOR (Jedi Shadow FTW!), Skyrim
    Other Stuff : Avid runner, training for a half marathon on 3/18
    Married 15 years, father of 2 beautiful little girls
  • spazzticaunt
    My name is Elleina I have played everything from Diablo 1 to WoW of course. I am 34 years of age, I am a female gamer.

    I don't mind role playing in fact in the game I play I do role play some what with my hunter as far as my pets go. I have been gaming since I was about 22 or 23 years old. I've played NWN, SWG, Diablo, LOTRO, SWTOR, Conan, Dungeon Siege, DDO, EQ2, RIFT, Second Life, among other games.

    I am trying to lose at least 200lbs atm. I have lost a few then gained a few and then lost a few again. But as of now I have lost 19lbs since October.
  • Tlndrws
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!
    My name is Tiffany. I am a 21 year olod female. Haha that sounds weird... Anyhow, I haven't rped since I was in middle school... Those were good times. I still play rpgs and the like, but I cannot afford all the new stuff, so I tend to play a lot of old school games. I am trying to lose 50 pounds ( I'm currently at about 190). I just started on this a few days ago, so I haven't really lost anything much yet, but I'm doing pretty well so far. I'd love to make some friends to make this journey a little easier! :)
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    Who are you! Lou
    Age? 42
    Female or male? yes
    RP? no
    LARP? a couple times about 20 years ago
    What are your weightloss goals?! Just to be healthy.
    How many pounds have you lost? Since joining mfp 15lbs. 65 lbs since I started.
    Walk on the Beach? Beach? Is that outside?
  • magoch
    magoch Posts: 134
    Is it just me or is calorie counting using MFP a little like playing an RPG? You get a certain number of calories (say mana) and you have to research about what you can do with those calories (say casting spells or sending armies). If you stay under then you have extra to do more with, and if you go over then you tax yourself. hahaha MFP the RPG. LOL

    This is exactly why I love MFP & FitBit - it makes weight loss into a game! Every time I enter food into my diary or exercise instead of sitting around -- I'm scoring points. I love the opportunity to "win" every day when I beat my calorie and fitness targets. Knowing I might miss my calorie target (and the evil calories will win) gets me off the couch and onto the treadmill to beat those guys! I find this much more continuously motivating than having to wait for big wins like getting into a smaller size or seeing the numbers on the scale or measuring tape go way down.

    And my introduction:

    I'm Stacey, 45 and female. I've been (what's now called) a casual gamer since I was in high school. I've gone through phases where I got obssessive (e.g. first Laura Croft -- woohoo female hero!) and had to cut myself off.

    I've LARPed in the past, but haven't in about 10 years.

    I mostly play on the phone and Xbox now. I was really into rhythm games, and still play them occasionally (I think I single-handedly keep the Rock Band DLC content business afloat). Playing the drum in Rock Band (on hard) can actually get my heart rate up to 120, so I feel like I'm getting a little workout in as well :) I love the Kinect -- games that get me off my couch - woohoo!

    I like FPS, but am comically bad at them. I play some RPGs as well, but have been limiting myself so I don't spend too many hours in front of the tv or monitor (since I already log a lot of monitor hours with my job).

    I love game and comic cons as well - we have PAX in Seattle, which is always fabulous - and someday I'm going to make it to ComiCon as well. I went to Dragon Con a few years back, and loved it!

    My weight loss goal is to lose 57 pounds (or hit 23% body fat) by my 46th birthday (in Sept).
  • TriforceOfWisdom
    I'm Dextra, you can call me Dex.
    I'm young enough to be on this site.
    I am a chick and proud.
    RPing and LARPing is what I do best.
    My weight loss goal is to lose about 20lbs by August 17th.
    I just started, yeesh!
    As long as we're cosplaying to the beach. Sure!

    Random Information About Me: I love LOZ. I'm a video game nerd as well as a comic book nerd. I know my comics better than my video games. I'm more of a DC fan than Marvel. Stan Lee and I share a birthday and I want to meet the guy, soon! Right now, I'm playing Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess. I'm still a student. I own a Wii, Xbox 360 Kinect, DS Lite, GBA SP, and a Gamecube. I own games like, Mario Kart Wii/DS/GB, LOZ: Skyward Sword/Twilight Princess/Phantom of the Hourglass/Spirit Tracks, Epic Mickey, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood/Revelations, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy 1&2, L.A. Noire, and Kid Icarus: Uprising (when it's released). Thanks for reading. Love to see if anyone has anything in common.
  • amymckmuffin

    Im Amy, a fellow geek and gamer girl, female. I didnt start gaming untill i was about 16 so iv been catching up since then. I started on the ps1, have played on all the ps's. Iv been big into WoW for the last 4years but now swaped over to SWTOR because its the best game ever lol, plus im too cheap to pay for both subscriptions.
    Hubby has been gaming since he could walk, very into the FF games and SWTOR aswell.

    Id love to lose at least 150lbs, i have a long way to go and so far i havent lost much at all, though i have lost quite a few inches apparently. Feel free to add me ^^ i like people and im friendly!
  • KingRoaVa
    KingRoaVa Posts: 38 Member
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    Who are you? I usually go by my last name, King.
    Age? 35
    Female or Male? Male
    RP? Everything from Final Fantasy(original) to SWTOR.
    LARP? I haven't LARP'ed in 13 years. White Wolf's Vampire
    What are your weightloss goals? I like to be back at 190. What I was when I was in the Army. Currently 250.
    How many pounds have you lost? Just started. Hovering around 250.
    Walk on the Beach? lol, I live in the mountains of VA. No beaches here. :-)

    Random info in regards to topic: I consider myself as a jaded gamer. I have played so much that i am bored with the current trend of gaming FPSers and such. Stuff I do enjoy are puzzle games and games like Minecraft. Not really related to gaming but I have started working in Blender and doing some modeling and such.

    Also I am a prime example what to much gaming can do to you. Back on Feb 7, 2009 I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke at a local LAN party. A blood vessel popped in my brain when some 12 year old started talking smack towards me. 1 month in the hospital and lifetime of issues. But I survived. :-)
  • MegaByte81
    MegaByte81 Posts: 11 Member

    The name's Josh. I'm 30 with a wife and three daughters. I love video games of all kinds. I started out on the NES and have continued since. I currently own a Wii, Ds Lite, and Xbox 360. I'm currently big on Halo Reach. I also really like Transformers Battle for Cybertron, but haven't played for a while. I would love a PS3 but don't have enough time to play what I have. I had a PS2 and was a huge fan of the Ratchet and Clank series. I had them all for PS2

    I currently weigh about 238 lbs and my goal is to be down to 200-205 lbs by summer
  • issobelle
    Hiya, my name is Richelle but play under Issobelle. I'm a 34 year old female that adores a good RPG. I'm currently trying to get pulled into SWTOR to pass the time waiting for Blizzard to finally tie up Diablo III.

    Love games of all types and am fortunate enough to have a BF that has as many accounts and consoles as I do :)

    No LARP'ing because I'm far more comfortable with a mouse and keyboard than I'll ever be in person.

    I'm looking recapture my energy levels of a few years ago and lose about 40 lbs. I'm down 8 so far. Fortunately, you can game while on a treadmill...carefully!

    The beach is great....with plenty of sunblock. Remember, I'm inside playing games. The sun can be evil!
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 95 Member
    My name is Becca. I'm 32, female, and tired of avoiding the mirrors in my house.
    I want to be a healthy 165lbs. At 5'9", I think that's a reasonable goal. After 2 kids, my body is kinda mad at me and decided to revolt. I've just started on my journey again after being pregnant or injured for the last 2 and a half years.
    I run a superhero RPG at my house once a week with some friends. I also write fantasy novels. So I use the gaming as my jumping off point for my books. I am also from the nintendo generation. I have a Sega, PS2, and a Wii. I refuse to spend the money for a PS3 but I'll be getting an Xbox soon.
    I hate the beach, so walking on it is not really my thing. lol I prefer the mountains and someday soon, I hope to move myself, my family, and my 9 dogs closer to them.
    I think my biggest downfall in the whole weight loss world is pizza. That and the fact that I just started a homebased baking business. I've got to teach myself moderation and how to not taste everything I bake. lol
    I hope to reach my goal by this time next year but I'll be happy if I can hit ONEderland by January.
    Best of luck to everyone!!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • CameronYKB
    I'm Cameron, 16 and LOVE video games. I'm more into RPG's with the occasional FPS. I'm usually playing Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and when I'm not playing those on my PC, I'm playing Skyrim or Mass Effect 2 on my Xbox 360 waiting for ME3. My wight loss goal is 160-170 lbs.I'm 230 right now. No LARP. So far I haven't lost anything because I currently don't have any motivation from ANYONE!!!!!:mad: But I digress. I do like the beach. I'm Hawaiian, its like in our nature.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm Melissa, 30 female, got around 60ish to loose, platforms are ps3 and pc, love all game types fps, rpg, rts, puzzle, anything that is challenging. I'm ranked on BF3 ps3 (so you guys know how much time that is lol) and since putting my mind to loosing weight I've slipped in rankings from the 3000ish to almost 7000ish. No LARPing ever lol, not hatin on larpers, just not 4 me. Pc games are Aion, got 7 Asmo chars, main is Sorc, recently made one Elmo....oops sorry Elyo haha. I used to love Dungeon keeper, tried the new one, sooooo bummed. I even played wizard 101 (que laughs here). Right now on skyrim kick, but it just made me jones for Aion, go figure.
  • beachgrad05
    beachgrad05 Posts: 85 Member
    My name is Shawn and I am almost 47. Am a woman gamer that also enjoys reading, movies and cycling. I like playing all sorts of games on my 360: currently playing Skyrim, Forza 4 and Assassin's Creed Revelations and looking forward to Mass Effect 3. I don't play PC games (have a Mac and right now the one PC game I would like to play is not available for Mac....Star Wars MMO: The Old Republic)

    Not sure what RP and LARP mean exactly so maybe not so much of a geek here.

    I want/need to lose 100 lbs. I just started this past week with my diet and exercise changes. Have not yet lost any weight but I only signed up for MFP this past Wednesday....

    No walking on the beach for me but mostly because walking is out as a form of exercise for me due to a physical limitation/injury.
  • Seirura
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    I'm Ceirra
    PWI, Vindictus and COD
    125 - 130 lbs
    I Gained 15 lbs over the Holidays instead of losing
    I walk near the river.