nickollette113 Member


  • We haven't ventured into clean eating breakfast foods yet. So, we just do homemade juice with 1 or 2 fruits and at least 2 vegetables. Great way to get a nutrient packed breakfast and almost always under 200 calories.
  • Keep an eye on numbers, but don't obsess over them. Sodium is an important one to watch out for, but compared to other sources you could get just as much sodium, the other benefits of chicken being a lean meat balance it out. Just my opinion. Here's what dinner is. It's a chicken casserole/bake.…
  • On days I work out, I eat around 1800 usually, sometimes closer to 2000. I average about 700 burned from exercise. On days I don't work out, I eat around 1500. And I think (based on a calculator) my BMR is around 2230.
  • Just started it today. Came across it on Youtube and figured, why not? Lol. Level 1 seems to be pretty user friendly considering I've got a lot to lose. Some of these videos I've come across and tried seem like I need to lose weight before even being able to do them. But, aside from having to modifying some of the jumping…
  • Lots of good advice guys! Thanks! We're living with family right now for the next couple months, so buying in bulk isn't really an option since there's such limited space to work with. Once we move into our new place, that will all change. Same with overcooking to have leftovers the next day. Unless it is something we know…
  • Ohhhh, might have to try this! Have a can of pumpkin left over, just taunting me to figure out a use for!
  • As long as it's taking a passive approach, then that's awesome! Now, telling your 8(right?) year old that they HAVE to exercise would probably be a problem at that age. But, as a single mom, the spotlight is usually on just you, so demonstrating a healthy lifestyle yourself is so important. Heck, my nearly 2 year old even…
  • Hrmm, I'll have to check out those podcasts, I'm hooked on podcasts lately. Granted i wasn't tracking before, so I don't know for sure, but I don't think I'm eating all that less calories than I was before. But before, I would go the day without eating and binge for a late dinner. So now, I'm eating breakfast, lunch,…
  • Yep, that would be me, too! Two and a half years ago, I was at my lowest, having lost 85pds to get there (not in a healthy fashion though). Then I found out I was pregnant and had to stop those bad ways I was using as a crutch to lose weight. Now, 1.5 years after having my little one, I've put the 85 back on and then some…
  • I do sometimes, over morning coffee. If I know, I'll more than likely have something, I'll put it in. I also like to play around with possible food options and see their nutritional values and go by that to figure out what I'll ultimately eat.