

  • Doesn't bother me unless I can hear you over my ipod... Then yea, you sound like a steroid junkie..
  • Over the past year, I lost 70 pounds and a "friend" asked me point blank "did you take something"... It is upsetting because I have worked my butt off (literally) and I count every calorie i put in my body along with exercise five days a week!
  • I weigh myself daily, in the morning right after I take a shower and before breakfast! I thought it was too obessive but it sounds like a lot of others do the same thing. I think it helps keep me on track and helps me evaluate what foods make me retain water, don't work well with my body, etc. I wish that a few extra…
  • I usually plan ahead by looking at the menu on the website and if I am still ordering something that is higher in calories/ fat then I discreetly push half to the side a little and plan on asking for a doggie bag!
  • I lost about 60 pounds while participating in ww online. It works, but this site is similar! I appreciate ww because my mind begins to convert to points automatically and I find that it is a little easier to account for calorie and fat intake throughout the day because you become so accustomed to the syste. I enjoy this…
  • I don't think it is.... I gained entirely too much wait during pregnancy. If I were to get pregnant again, I plan on monitoring my calorie intake and continuing to safely exercise throughout pregnancy. After both children I lost the "baby weight" within several weeks (maybe 4?) It was all the extra weight that I gained…
  • Lunges Kettlebell workout, you can see womens fitness for a great kettlebell workout!
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