Going out To Eat

Woozie80 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
When you go out to eat what are some better choice favorites and what restaurant? Like tonight I am going to Texas RaodHouse and I normally would get Chicken Critters, French Fries and a salad drenched with ranch. Today I will not but not sure what to try. I love to go out to eat (which is part of the problem) but if I learned to make better choices I could enjoy going out and not feel guilty later any suggestions?


  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm out tonight too! A belated Christmas dinner - postponed from December because of the snow. I'd already picked my menu beofre joining here, so all my works goes to pot in one evening! :laugh:
  • lgeren
    lgeren Posts: 45
    I try and order salad w/ a light dressing usually just oil & vinegar & a tad bit of salt. I'll order something grilled & try to just eat half of it. If I choose to order a baked potato (which I love), I won't order it loaded, just butter & sour cream, then I won't eat all of it. There are ways to get around going out to eat w/o breaking your calories. I usually try to google the restaurant we are eating to see if anyone out there has nutritional facts for their menus. I try to go in as informed & prepared as possible so I don't order what I think might be good but might not turn out to be healthy. I did that once I ended up eating 1200 calorie in one meal b/c I thought by eating a lunch portion & only one piece of bread would be ok. Got home & logged it & realized I was over in just one meal. So that's a great suggestion, is to go prepared.
  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    steak not cooked in oils or butter. Sirloin. Salad with Dressing on the side, dip fork in dressing then get the salad, you will use less dressing. skip potatoes and bread, maybe whatever their veggie is but not cooked in any oils or butter. I did it that way and it worked out.
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    Anytime I go out to eat, I go to the website and look at the menu first. I usually order a chicken sandwich of some kind - but then I don't eat the bun. If you eat a chicken sandwich with a fork - for some reason, it takes longer to eat :) And I NEVER order french fries - cuz I have no will power and would not stop eating them. Ask if they will do a vegie of the day or fruit as a side instead of the french fries. Good luck
  • Just plan ahead. Look in the database for foods that are healthy choices.
  • i usually get meat that is grilled and not fried, steamed vegetables and a side salad with light dressing. I have been known to carry some in my purse just in case.
  • I love to go to Carrabas and get the Chicken Bryan and house salad. (I get the mashed garlic potatoe side but let my son eat it, if you like broccoli they have that and it is low in cal) That means I am having a boneless skinless chicken breast, salad, and some of the Bryan sauce. The entree is also in the database already.
  • akapel
    akapel Posts: 10
    That's a toughy. Roadhouse seems to cook everything in butter...even their veggies. I tried their chicken breast with mushrooms dish and it wasn't my favorite. I left feeling disappointed. Now when we go out to eat, I usually suggest Mexican food so I can share chicken fajitas with my husband.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Many restaurants have a "healthy options" menu. You can look to see if they have such a menu. Otherwise, Fish (not sauteed in butter), Chicken etc is usually a good option. Or a big ole salad with grilled chicken.

    the main thing is to not be afraid of asking for things the way you want it. If you want it cooked with no butter tell them! No dressing! or even brown rice instead of white rice etc. Most places will cater to your needs!

    Just stay away with anything that is fried ro comes with a cream sauce. Broiled or Baked is the best way to go.
  • I usually plan ahead by looking at the menu on the website and if I am still ordering something that is higher in calories/ fat then I discreetly push half to the side a little and plan on asking for a doggie bag!
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    I would also check to see if they have a menu online and look before you go. I would order something grilled, with veggies instead of fries. Or if you are a salad person, order a nice salad with grilled chicken breast and light dressing on the side. :)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Just remember you are not going out to eat because of the food--if so, you will never succeed at changing your lifestyle. You are going out to eat to enjoy the company of whomever is with you.

    Tell servers to not put bread on the table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Skip the potatoes or fries--you must ask serve or tell them you want double veggies!!!!! Do not be afraid to speak up for yourself, its your body. Just because they serve that crap doesn't mean you have to eat it.

    Watch out for the salads--they are loaded with calories. I would bring my own dressing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure it is a garden salad and not one with alot of extra carbs.

    Make sure your grilled meat is not slathtered in sauce! Tell them to leave the sauce off! You can ask for it on the side and put a dab on the meat if you want. I do this every weekend when I go to TFI Fridays with my family----every weekend
    I have lost 73 pounds in 5 months along with the plan I am on.
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    I always study the menu online prior to going anywhere. knowledge is king!
  • bmayes
    bmayes Posts: 55
    I love love love eating out as well. its hard to avoid sometimes but if I am not eligible for a 'cheat meal' than I typically DO NOT read the menu because my will power is not very good. So, I usually just tell the waiter what I want 'grilled chicken or fish..veggies..etc" It helps me with my temptation and weakness for greasy, piled high plates! Than I usually have a few fries from someone else's plate!! That way I don't feel bad and I can still enjoy myself.

    The 'box half right away' method does not work for me because if it was good I usually finish it off in the bed the same night. te he he :)
  • Chelsrf
    Chelsrf Posts: 194 Member
    I will tell you that Texas Roadhouse does not release their nutritional information. If you find anything online its a guess of how many calories and they really don't know how its being cooked.

    Their green beans are good and I agree with the dipping the fork in the dressing, you do use a lot less. I also suggest something broiled or grilled and don't be afraid to specifiy how you want it cooked.

    Most restaurants do cook everything in butter (even their veggies).
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I do a lot of what has already been suggested, but I wanted to offer you encouragment that you CAN eat out, eat HEALTHY, and enjoy :)
    I always look at the menu online ahead of time. I pick two options and order whichever one sounds best at the time to order. Then, I ask the waiter to bring a box with my meal. As soon as the meal comes to the table, I box up half of it. I NEVER leave feeling like I needed to eat that other half, and I have lunch for the next day :) I also dont look at the menu at the restaurant, for fear that old habits will creep back, and allow me to order something that sounds "better" than my healthy picks. Going out to eat isnt nearly as stressful this way, and I never feel deprived or like Im eating rabbit food while others eat "real meals". :)

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