what exercises tone legs?

i really need to tone up my legs and lose the fat on the inside of my thighs :(
if anybody could help me out, i'd really appreciate it :)


  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Walking has helped most of my legs. Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones is great. She works it all. I only have her DVDs, though. She works arms, chest, shoulders, back, abs, core, and the entire lower body.

    There's an exercise she does where she is on her back with her arms by her sides and palms up. She lifts her legs a couple of inches off the ground and does the "Scissors" with her legs. Beginners can have their legs higher. It really works the inner thighs. And very concentrated movement with the legs. No swinging.
  • carolinalori

    Kettlebell workout, you can see womens fitness for a great kettlebell workout!
  • accioskinny
    thanks guys :)
    i appreciate it!

    i will give the lunges a try
    and i'll have to see if i can get my hands on a copy of the No More Trouble Zones dvd :)
  • PokenStick
    Lunges (forward and backwards), squats, calf raises. Hold small dumb bells to increase resistance.
  • mkrafick
    If you have access to a gym - Squats and Lunges.

    My trainer was telling me the end all be all leg exercise is squats (which I freaking hate) - but it works everything and works it very well. Since encorporating them I have seena HUGE difference.

    Not to be too stereotypical but I am a guy and so I'm not so concerned about how my backend looks (as oppsed to chest and arms) but even I noticed the change and said "damn". Didn't take to long either.

    Start the squats very very light, like the bar only - do 3 sets of 12 if you can, follow up with 2 sets of 10 lunges each leg. You will see results very fast.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Kettlebell! I did my first kettlebell DVD yesterday, and my thighs (allll the way around) are burning this morning :) Im excited because that apparently means I did it right since most of the moves should be powered through your legs and hips.
    Also, alternating lunges and good 'ol fashioned squats will really help!
    I also like a move Jillian Michaels uses. Lay on your right side and raise your left leg toward the ceiling. They dont hurt at first, but if you do enough raises, youll feel the burn :)