

  • It's possible that although you have lost the inches, you have gained some muscle which can mean that your weight stays the same or increases. This is just my opinion, but it could explain the reasoning. But congrats on the looser clothing.
  • Grapes. Chocolate or ice-cream?
  • You look stunning, well done on your result. You've done so well.
  • When I used to babysit, a great one I found was pushing the stroller with the toddler, normally or up a hill. Or if the toddler is feeling very lazy and you don't have a stroller, carry him/her (I found that very tiring up a hill). But general pushing the stroller/running/playing with the toddler should help.
  • Oh wow, you look so much younger and just wow. Your hard work paid off, congrats.
  • Honestly, we are aware we can't change him, but we have often tried to encourage him to use MFP due to how wonderful we think it is, and he always complains how he needs to lose weight but never does anything about even though his health right now sucks. But in the end I know you are right, I don't intend to force him to…
  • In case anyone is wondering, I've just done day two. It wasn't actually as bad, though my stomach/abs is feeling it. Especially when I sneeze (doesn't help when I have a bit of a summer cold). I heard somewhere that level 3 is actually easier than level 2, is this true? And also, for the people who have done it, did you do…
    in Day 1 Comment by Emathea August 2012
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