CandyAshes Member


  • My TRUE reasons for wanting to get in shape... - looking in the mirror, I want to be able to look at myself without being upset with my double chin, belly and rubbing thighs (my Grandma puts her hands on my face hinting at how chubby I've got, she doesn't have to say a thing for it to hurt) - my health (my mom was recently…
  • My mom was recently diagnosed with diabetes after she got sick from ecoli. I've been looking into different things, Chai Tea (which has cinnamon) and Green Teas good for helping with weightloss and leveling blood sugars (if you drink it straight) im still learning bout different things.
  • I'm 25yrs old Height: 5'3 SW: 170lbs CW: 160lbs (may be different i haven't weighed in this month) GW: 120lbs
  • I try to get the exact amount of calories that i need per day (1360) but I usually end up over or just under the count. But it seems to be working for me because I've lost 5lbs so far since I started :) Im sure our bodies will eventually get used to having smaller amounts of food... we'll adapt :) good luck
  • I found that since joining this site, I feel a little more motivated to not over-eat and when I do eat junk or whatever I try not to eat alot. I've cut my portion sizes down. I still eat crap food just not over doing it lately. I find that the people on this site help to keep you motivated when you feel like you're going…
  • thank you everyone for making me feel not so alone... im able to calm myself down quicker than i used to. but you do get those feelings like you're going to die or pass out. i get to the point that sometimes theyre so bad that i just lay down, even if im at the mall i just lay on the bench no matter how embarrassing, i get…
  • You look amazing! I am 5'3 and trying to loose 50lbs
  • Looking good :) keep up the awesome work!! You go girl!!
  • im really picky when it comes to food, so if something looks like its not cooked or whatever i wont eat it... i went to a few restraunts and my chicken wasnt fully cooked and i ended up spitting it out on my plate ( i know so wrong and lady like )... as a kid i used to eat raw hot dogs, and cold ravioli
  • i usually end up swearing, maybe crying a little, and then i get to the point i get mad and go for a walk.
  • Currently I am addicted to DQ Moo Lattes, buying books that are on sale, facebook ( i know, i know), EOS Organic Lip Balm, and I have been craving fries and gravy and pasta :S ... what the F is wrong with me? LOL
  • i dont think i will ever wear hot pants in public lol, no matter how much weight i hope to lose :P ... thanks ladies for your support :) i will add you both
  • Keep up the awesome work Stevie! I am so glad Nancy asked me to add you on facebook. Your weightloss journey is truly inspiring to me. I know you can do this! Keep your eyes on the prize! <3 And thank you for your help, and pointing me in this direction. <3 Ashley
  • you all look so beautiful, and have more courage then i do to post a picture in a bikini... soon I will, maybe... Im embarrassed because not only do i have extra chub chub, ive got red stretch marks which i think bothers me a little more than my weight. keep up the awesome work everyone