Something you ate, knowing something was wrong with it...

Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
In my defense, the microwave at work SUCKS, and I basically had no choice.

So since I was just an idiot and ate a frozen dinner that was 1/2 cooked and still cold...I'm curious...have you ever eaten something you know you shouldn't have and what was it? I don't mean for your calorie count, sugar, etc. but something that was bascially inedible yet you did it anyway?


  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    partially cooked chicken. BBQ was turned off, and i didnt feel like waiting the 2 minutes to nuke it in the microwave.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    While in Tahiti I tried raw, warm fish dipped in a fermented coconut sauce. I eat everything...but something was VERY wrong with that stuff.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I had some 2 year old beef I found in the freezer somewhat recently. It was tasty. I'm still alive (I think).
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    I actually haven't :( For me, I'd rather go hungry than risk getting sick. Well, no, as a kid I ate hot dogs raw and I also ate the cookie dough with raw eggs. :P
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Yep my frozen dinner was chicken...I'm waiting for that one to come back and bite me in the *kitten* within the next 24 hours. :indifferent:
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    When I was a kid, I drank some milk out of a pint carton. It was clabbered. I have smelled ever drop of milk since then.
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Just to day in fact. I was so hungry and all I had was a 20g box of rice krispies and my banana protein shake. I thought the two would go together..... but errrrrm no. The shake was lumpy and the krispies were stale. I still ate it anyway even though it was revolting. Cured my hunger by making me feel sick.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    I once dated this............... o nevermind

    Raw Pork Chop. UGH
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Does this count?
    I was pregnant and asked my husband to get me a glass of fruit punch and he came back with it I took the biggest drink and about vomited.
    We were at my parents house and my Mom had hummingbird food in the refrigerator in a pitcher so she could feed the hummingbirds...well it wasn't marked everyone just knew...except my husband apparently. Nothing worse than expecting one thing and getting something else. Hummingbird food is basically sugar water but still yeah bad...
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    Yep my frozen dinner was chicken...I'm waiting for that one to come back and bite me in the *kitten* within the next 24 hours. :indifferent:

    Dont think you have anything to worry about with that, I think most frozen dinners have already been cooked...cooked and then frozen, so all your doing is heating it back up for your enjoyment and not have to eat it cold:)

    I have also done a few things, on a number of occasions I have started eating a hamburger only to notice that its still pink in the middle. I have taken one or two bites after that to try and just deal with it but my stomach gets sick at the meer thought of it so I usually end up trashing it or cooking it longer:) I have also ate pizza with meat products the next day after it sat out all night...I have ate chicken or turkey past the 2 or 3 hr window they give, etc:)
  • ShanniLee
    ShanniLee Posts: 69
    I actually haven't :( For me, I'd rather go hungry than risk getting sick. Well, no, as a kid I ate hot dogs raw and I also ate the cookie dough with raw eggs. :P

    There is no such thing as a raw hotdog, they are all pre-cooked; when you "cook" them basically all you're doing is heating them up.
  • boldtsmith
    boldtsmith Posts: 120 Member
    When I was in grad school and living on cupons and rice a roni, I ate pork chops that smelled like fish--I just cooked 'em extra and smothered them in BBQ sauce. YUMMY!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Not I.

    I'm INCREDIBLY paranoid about food. Everything has to be well done, I won't touch fruit or veg that's been in the house for longer than two or three days even if it looks fine, and I won't use milk that's been open for longer than 30 hours even if it's absolutely fine.

    I'm very wasteful, but I can't help it.
  • CandyAshes
    CandyAshes Posts: 18 Member
    im really picky when it comes to food, so if something looks like its not cooked or whatever i wont eat it... i went to a few restraunts and my chicken wasnt fully cooked and i ended up spitting it out on my plate ( i know so wrong and lady like )... as a kid i used to eat raw hot dogs, and cold ravioli
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I actually haven't :( For me, I'd rather go hungry than risk getting sick. Well, no, as a kid I ate hot dogs raw and I also ate the cookie dough with raw eggs. :P

    Wait. Raw hot dogs are inedible? :sad:
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I brought in some 9 grain cereal Monday to which I add some coconut milk. Since I didn't eat that breakfast Monday, I left it in the company refrigerator and prepared it Tuesday. When I poured the milk in, it was "gooey" and I immediately became paranoid (against common sense) that someone might have messed with it. I refused to eat it.

    I've eaten raw hot dogs (I figure it's just like bologna), cookie dough, licked the spoon with cake mix etc. I leave pizza out overnight and eat it cold the next morning. I figure if I have keeled over by now, it probably isn't going to happen soon. At least not because of the things I've eaten. :)
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I had a boiled egg I ate once that was a littly slimy and just did not taste right was not yucky or gross just did not taste right. I could not even eat or smell a boiled eggs for about 6 months after that and still even today I dont really eat them anymore. Pizza left out overnight thought that was normal.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Not that I remember specifically, but I probably have. I'm the one in our house that sees the "use by" dates as more of a suggestion.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Yep, took my baked potato out of the oven too early last night, and had already cut it before realising it was only half done. Still ate it though, with cottage cheese as I was tired and hungry.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I used to get stir-fry beef and eat it raw. I must have had some serious anemia or something but I couldn't resist the craving.