davidwh79 Member


  • To me it's simple. Just go out and enjoy your self. Eat a meal from the menu, and relax. Don't go nuts and order the most glutenous thing on the menu, but don't feel inhibited either. I don't feel that any "diet" is beneficial or realistic if it cannot afford you an occasional meal that is a special engagement. Also,…
  • Yes, that is also my basic conclusion. I've also heard monounsaturated is the better of the two unsaturated fats. Apparently polyunsaturated fats can lower both your LDL and your HDL cholesterol levels, when you really want to only lower your bad cholesterol, or your LDL.
  • Yes, I think I will take your advice regarding the use of MFP. It will remain my calorie tracker and food database, and I will pay less attention to some of it's shortcomings. I will use it, instead of it using me so to speak. I just recently started eating a ovo-lacto vegetarian diet earlier this year. I find it both…
  • Crystal Light is good, but it contains Aspartame and preservatives. I don't like artificial sweeteners and preservatives in my diet as much as possible. The sweeteners in particular cause me gastrointestinal problems.
  • I attempted to make my way through that thread, but I couldn't do it. Holy guacamole that was a lot of debating. You appear to have a lot of knowledge on the subject though. So if you have some free time can you explain why MyFitnessPal doesn't have a recommended allowance for poly and mono unsaturated fats? Is it just…
  • I'm no expert but I think the answer is water weight. Your body is 3/4 water if I'm not mistaken. You can lose fat, but still be retaining water, and that will make you appear to have not lost any weight. The fact that you have lost a pant size, which means inches of fat, means that this is likely the case.
  • I drink tea a lot, I mean more than water to be honest. I drink pure black tea, no sugar or any additives. It actually comes in 1 liter or 12oz glass bottles. It is100% natural and has 0 calories. I think that should constitute water consumption just as much as plain water. Anyone interested in my favorite tea can go to…
  • Whole foods. I'm recommending this to everyone. Drastically reduce or remove the meat from your diet. Eat fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, lentils, whole grains. Reduce your dairy intake, drink almond milk instead of cow milk.
  • I know you have probably a hundred answers already, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents anyway. If you raise your exercise amount and/or decrease your pounds to lose in a week setting on MyFitnessPal you will be allowed more calories, probably in the 1,450 range. However, I also have to echo everyone else here and…