

  • wonderful thanks guys :D its here and it even had some little recipies with it too hurrah! if i wasnt in such a bad mood id use it but instead i think im going to shove a crappy ready meal in from the freezer and steam some veg i am NOT in the mood to be in the kitchen tonight lol
  • wow thanks guys:D it was the greece running away from it that interests me i dont want to be eating greecy flavoured foods. can someone tell me if you can cook marinated stuff on it like chicken in spicey yougurt? xx
  • hide n kick andy out of bed to check it out
  • thank you all for your kind words:D
  • im from warrington uk and have been here a few weeks i love it its really good to keep track of how im doing. if only time would speed up so i can see the results lol
  • im going to see my dr again on wednesday, im doing okay at the moment i think i just had a bad week. what hes more worried about is if i do stop will i be more upset than if i dont lol its a swings and roundabouts thing isnt it :(
  • im ok when im with the girls its just when i sit and im on my own. it sounds daft but they mask it all from me coz im so busy with them and anna (the baby) is thriving on breast milk. unfortunately she wont take expressed milk from a bottle at all so im at a bit of a loss anyway if i were to stop as i dont think shed ever…
  • wowie thats amazing please share how. im hoping to lose the same amount and in need of a pickmeup to know im on the right tfack. you look awsome well done you xx
  • for something quick when your in a huge rush they are okay. i always have a few of tesco "eat live enjoy" range in the freezer for if andys working and the kids play up i just put lots of salad with them too and bobs your uncle fannys your aunt. i think the tesco ones (eat live enjoy) and marks and spencer range are the…
  • i prefer boobs that are doing their job feeding bambinos
  • WOWIE huge congratulations hun you look amazing. i aspire to be like you xxx
  • never mind iv figured it out YAY ME
  • now: blackbeards last stand by skull branded pirates (check them out http://www.facebook.com/skullbrandedpirates) all time: probably unintended by muse
  • think my perfect size would be a uk 12 or 14 i dont want to go to skinny i dont think id suit it (but who knows im so used to carrying around my huge belly i may like it when its gone lol) iv got 3 weddings next year of friends all very slim and beautiful (some people get all the luck) n i really want to look nice at their…
  • i met andy when i was 11, i used to peer at him as he was my friends older brother (he still is her older brother for that matter haha) used to see him out and about in town and say hello and what ever then when i was 19 he asked for my number, been together since then
  • oooh brill ill have a look now thanks :) shes 7 months but only just started expermenting with food :) thankyou all for your advice xxxx
  • awww thanks guys. im not actually sure what my goal for calories is as im still breast feeding my daughter so im still eating lots im just eating better if that makes sense, but i do want to get more active and lose weight too, however anna and her health comes before mine and my vanity. does anyone know the rules on…