

  • I live in Afghanistan and have no alcohol. I just eat a lot of fruits and veggies. Today I dont like my fat intake at all and Im way too close to my 1200 calories... UGH.. [/quote] Fruits on keto? Not sure if serious.
  • I get 80% of my fat intake through almonds. It's boring, but they are healthy fat and a great source of protein/fiber. I use chicken to reach the rest of my protein intake. It's boring, but it works. Yesterday I didn't have time to eat before work, so I chugged a protein shake after the gym and got ready and worked for 6…
  • I disagree. Body weight exercises can be used in conjunction with the weights. There is no reason not to begin lifting weights has soon as possible.
  • The thing is though if you're still eating in a deficit, you will still lose weight. Ketosis or not, the key to dieting is cals in vs cals out. You can buy the ketostix at the store for super cheap and test whether or not you're in ketosis.
  • I'm not here to argue with you, I'm here to point him in the right direction. If the sissy soft bull**** works for you then that's fine, but for me and anyone with testicles, a punch in the mouth gets me moving every time. You can take your politically correct bull**** and shove it up your *kitten*. I'm here to say what…
  • Don't let that stop you. I'm not saying you have to go in there and train like Arnold, but you should start researching some basic 3 day, full body routines to help preserve and possibly gain muscle while you lose the fat. And don't forget to take progress pictures! Some weeks you might not lose weight, but you're body…
  • I am motivating him. I am supporting him. I'm just giving him reality. If my ways aren't politically correct enough for you then you can go **** yourself. A good *kitten* kicking is what people need sometimes.
  • I'll give you some good advice. I honestly don't even know how I got into this thread. I rarely use this site, I just record my calories on my phone, but since I'm here I'll do my best. 1. You have to weigh your food. You need to know exactly what you're eating and how much you are eating it. 2. If you're not eating a…
  • You've come off like a baby. Man up dude. Figure out what you're doing wrong and correct it. Don't come here with this sappy post about not enough progress and expect a pity party. MFP suggestions are purely for noobs. Customize your goals to these macros: 50% protein, 30% fat, 25% carbs. Set your calories @ 2300 a day and…
  • If he's eating less than 1500 calories a day, even with noob gains, he wouldn't gain a single pound of muscle. People who are new to lifting should take full advantage of the muscle gain/fat loss period one can obtain when first introducing the body to resistance training. IMO dieting without lifting is retarded. You'll…
  • What a terrible way to diet. Learn from this and keep moving forward. Eat more protein and start lifting weights. Cardio isn't necessary unless you're doing it for cardiovascular reasons.
  • It's so easy to maintain a deficit with keto. I don't get uncontrollable cravings when I cut carbs completely.
  • Lol @ eating 1500 calories @ 200+ pound bodyweight. What are you, a 15 year old girl? Seriously dude, eat more food. It's no wonder you're not losing weight. I can lose weight consistently @ 215lbs with 2500-2700 calories a day. I could probably even go up some more and be fine.