I'm so sick of no results.



  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Stop adding your calories in from exercise. You aren't a professional athlete. The amounts of calories that this site gives you for exercise is way off for the most part. Not eating those few hundred calories it says you burned won't kill you. You just have to burn more calories than you eat. It is that simple. I often tell people that say you aren't eating enough and you will gain weight, tell that to some poor unfortunate person in the third world and have them buy that from you.

    Wow, you sound like me talking...great job understanding how this works...the people that are, "stuck"/not seeing results need to exercise more or not eat so many calories, (assuming their goal is to lose weight).
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple

    Cant argue with results...44lbs in 48 days...im not wrong about this...44 lbs in 48 days

    but you're wrong about me lying. that's like me saying you're lying to yourself and didn't actually lose 44 lbs in 48 days, you're making it up. doesn't feel good, does it?
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    Stop adding your calories in from exercise. You aren't a professional athlete. The amounts of calories that this site gives you for exercise is way off for the most part. Not eating those few hundred calories it says you burned won't kill you. You just have to burn more calories than you eat. It is that simple. I often tell people that say you aren't eating enough and you will gain weight, tell that to some poor unfortunate person in the third world and have them buy that from you.

    even if i don't add the calories from my exercise, i'm still UNDER what MFP tells me i need to eat to lose 2 lbs a week. and again, that's BEFORE i add in the exercise.

    that's why i'm just confused on what i'm doing so wrong haha.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It's a journey, not instant gratification. In 6 months ...
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple

    It's not magical, it's math. Like 6th grade math. I swear im not trying to be nasty, i'm just giving you the best advice i can.

    if you still dont get it then refer to my first statement, "calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple"
  • Take 500 calories from your basal metabolic rate and you will lose two pounds a week.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Take 500 calories from your basal metabolic rate and you will lose two pounds a week.

    Yes, reduce calories, that would help!
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    How about you look at your results again? 7 pounds this month, 15 pounds the month before. I'm very very jealous. I've lost 6 pounds in 2 months with eating healthy (and the correct amount of calories) and working out. Seriously, 7 pounds in 1 month is GREAT progress and a fantastic result.
  • How about you look at your results again? 7 pounds this month, 15 pounds the month before. I'm very very jealous. I've lost 6 pounds in 2 months with eating healthy (and the correct amount of calories) and working out. Seriously, 7 pounds in 1 month is GREAT progress and a fantastic result.

    It really is a good result.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    This poor guy is new to this, asking for advice, and you guys are calling him a liar and confusing the crap out of him. Brooshie just follow what MFP tells you to do, log everything, and keep doing what you've been doing. One of these people said you might just have to go to the bathroom, they might be right. It really can be that simple.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    Take 500 calories from your basal metabolic rate and you will lose two pounds a week.

    okay let me explain this a bit more thoroughly.

    I am 6'1, 210 lbs @ 23 years old.

    If I said I did NO EXERCISE, my TDEE would be 2573. Since July 1st, I have been eating UNDER 1500 calories EVERY SINGLE DAY. that alone should be 2 lbs. a week.

    that DOES NOT include exercising.

    Now, lets change it "moderate exercising" (which is what I do) and it ends up being 3350. and yet, i still eat 1500 or LESS a day. and i'm still gaining weight on weeks.
  • Take 500 calories from your basal metabolic rate and you will lose two pounds a week.

    okay let me explain this a bit more thoroughly.

    I am 6'1, 210 lbs @ 23 years old.

    If I said I did NO EXERCISE, my TDEE would be 2573. Since July 1st, I have been eating UNDER 1500 calories EVERY SINGLE DAY. that alone should be 2 lbs. a week.

    that DOES NOT include exercising.

    Now, lets change it "moderate exercising" (which is what I do) and it ends up being 3350. and yet, i still eat 1500 or LESS a day. and i'm still gaining weight on weeks.

    Lol @ eating 1500 calories @ 200+ pound bodyweight. What are you, a 15 year old girl? Seriously dude, eat more food. It's no wonder you're not losing weight. I can lose weight consistently @ 215lbs with 2500-2700 calories a day. I could probably even go up some more and be fine.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Did anyone mention that the weight might be added muscle from your workouts? How does your clothing fit? I get that seeing the scale go up instead of down is frustrating, but, maybe you aren't doing anything wrong at all.

    And I agree with what others have said about your progress being better than average so far, so give yourself credit for that!
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member

    Lol @ eating 1500 calories @ 200+ pound bodyweight. What are you, a 15 year old girl? Seriously dude, eat more food. It's no wonder you're not losing weight. I can lose weight consistently @ 215lbs with 2500-2700 calories a day. I could probably even go up some more and be fine.

    i'm eating when i'm hungry. when i'm not hungry, i don't eat. know what i mean? and as i stated, i'll be increasing my intake starting Sunday, but i'll be forcing myself to eat more.
  • i'm eating when i'm hungry. when i'm not hungry, i don't eat. know what i mean? and as i stated, i'll be increasing my intake starting Sunday, but i'll be forcing myself to eat more.

    What a terrible way to diet. Learn from this and keep moving forward. Eat more protein and start lifting weights. Cardio isn't necessary unless you're doing it for cardiovascular reasons.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Did anyone mention that the weight might be added muscle from your workouts? How does your clothing fit? I get that seeing the scale go up instead of down is frustrating, but, maybe you aren't doing anything wrong at all.

    And I agree with what others have said about your progress being better than average so far, so give yourself credit for that!

    yeah, your progress is likely above average...and your body composition might be improving with no change to overall body weight...but because you are so fixated on the lose of weight i must refer you to my orginal statement...

    "calorie counting explained...increase intensity or duration of exercise or decrease calories swallowed... its just that simple"
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Take 500 calories from your basal metabolic rate and you will lose two pounds a week.

    Yes, reduce calories, that would help!

    You're telling him to eat below his BMR?

    You must be trolling. You simply cannot be that dumb.
  • Did anyone mention that the weight might be added muscle from your workouts? How does your clothing fit? I get that seeing the scale go up instead of down is frustrating, but, maybe you aren't doing anything wrong at all.

    And I agree with what others have said about your progress being better than average so far, so give yourself credit for that!

    If he's eating less than 1500 calories a day, even with noob gains, he wouldn't gain a single pound of muscle. People who are new to lifting should take full advantage of the muscle gain/fat loss period one can obtain when first introducing the body to resistance training. IMO dieting without lifting is retarded. You'll still look terrible.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    i'm eating when i'm hungry. when i'm not hungry, i don't eat. know what i mean? and as i stated, i'll be increasing my intake starting Sunday, but i'll be forcing myself to eat more.

    What a terrible way to diet. Learn from this and keep moving forward. Eat more protein and start lifting weights. Cardio isn't necessary unless you're doing it for cardiovascular reasons.

    i'm eating more protein than MFP suggests already, and i'm trying to do some weight lifting. also, i started the 100 push up challenge as well as the 200 situp challenge this month so i'm hoping to get some results from there.

    i guess all i can really say is that i'm honestly trying, and i'm not lying to myself or anyone else. i just wish people believed me that i'm just a newbie at this and i want to learn.
  • http://www.engine2diet.com/

    There, you will lose weight.