I'm so sick of no results.



  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Take 500 calories from your basal metabolic rate and you will lose two pounds a week.

    Yes, reduce calories, that would help!

    You're telling him to eat below his BMR?

    You must be trolling. You simply cannot be that dumb.

    Please keep comments on topic and not intentionally hurtful, insults are inappropriate and morally unjust. Thank you for your compliance.
  • i'm eating more protein than MFP suggests already, and i'm trying to do some weight lifting. also, i started the 100 push up challenge as well as the 200 situp challenge this month so i'm hoping to get some results from there.

    i guess all i can really say is that i'm honestly trying, and i'm not lying to myself or anyone else. i just wish people believed me that i'm just a newbie at this and i want to learn.

    You've come off like a baby. Man up dude. Figure out what you're doing wrong and correct it. Don't come here with this sappy post about not enough progress and expect a pity party.

    MFP suggestions are purely for noobs. Customize your goals to these macros: 50% protein, 30% fat, 25% carbs. Set your calories @ 2300 a day and hit the gym with real weights 3 times a week. Report back in 8 weeks and thank me for transforming your body.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    i'm eating more protein than MFP suggests already, and i'm trying to do some weight lifting. also, i started the 100 push up challenge as well as the 200 situp challenge this month so i'm hoping to get some results from there.

    i guess all i can really say is that i'm honestly trying, and i'm not lying to myself or anyone else. i just wish people believed me that i'm just a newbie at this and i want to learn.

    You've come off like a baby. Man up dude. Figure out what you're doing wrong and correct it. Don't come here with this sappy post about not enough progress and expect a pity party.

    MFP suggestions are purely for noobs. Customize your goals to these macros: 50% protein, 30% fat, 25% carbs. Set your calories @ 2300 a day and hit the gym with real weights 3 times a week. Report back in 8 weeks and thank me for transforming your body.

    i don't want a pity party. and if i come off as a "baby", it's because i am not knowledgeable on this subject. i don't talk about something unless i know what i'm talking about. so, on a subject such as this, i'm trying to not step on toes because i know that i don't know **** about this stuff.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member

    Please keep comments on topic and not intentionally hurtful, insults are inappropriate and morally unjust. Thank you for your compliance.

    she probably just finds it interesting that EVERYONE is telling me to eat more, and you're telling me to eat less.
  • If you have fat, which anyone wanting to lose weight does, you will pull from those reserves therefor losing weight. If not why would the human body keep fat stores to begin with? They are there for when you don't meet your food requirements, but how often does that happen in our modern American society? It isn't trolling, it is evolutionary science.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Take 500 calories from your basal metabolic rate and you will lose two pounds a week.

    Yes, reduce calories, that would help!

    You're telling him to eat below his BMR?

    You must be trolling. You simply cannot be that dumb.

    Please keep comments on topic and not intentionally hurtful, insults are inappropriate and morally unjust. Thank you for your compliance.

    It's completely on topic when you're giving out half cocked advice that could actually hurt someone. All your comments on this thread are a complete joke to anyone who knows better. Go troll somewhere else.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member

    You've come off like a baby. Man up dude. Figure out what you're doing wrong and correct it.

    Oh, I must be lost, I thought this was the Motivation and Support forum.
  • i don't want a pity party. and if i come off as a "baby", it's because i am not knowledgeable on this subject. i don't talk about something unless i know what i'm talking about. so, on a subject such as this, i'm trying to not step on toes because i know that i don't know **** about this stuff.

    I'll give you some good advice. I honestly don't even know how I got into this thread. I rarely use this site, I just record my calories on my phone, but since I'm here I'll do my best.

    1. You have to weigh your food. You need to know exactly what you're eating and how much you are eating it.
    2. If you're not eating a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, then you're doing it wrong
    3. If you're not lifting real weights, then you're doing it wrong

    Some people here might not agree with this advice. That's fine, but I am not concerned with just helping people lose weight. A lot of people look even worse once they lose the weight because they lost a **** ton of muscle to go with it. You're goal when dieting should be to maintain has much muscle as possible so you don't look like a soft sack of ****. Since you're new to lifting weights, you can do something that an experienced lifter can only do with the assistance of steroids, which is gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. It's a beautiful thing.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    If you have fat, which anyone wanting to lose weight does, you will pull from those reserves therefor losing weight. If not why would the human body keep fat stores to begin with? They are there for when you don't meet your food requirements, but how often does that happen in our modern American society? It isn't trolling, it is evolutionary science.

    Yes, it's science. It's broscience, complete with bad grammar.
  • Oh, I must be lost, I thought this was the Motivation and Support forum.

    I am motivating him. I am supporting him. I'm just giving him reality. If my ways aren't politically correct enough for you then you can go **** yourself. A good *kitten* kicking is what people need sometimes.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member

    Please keep comments on topic and not intentionally hurtful, insults are inappropriate and morally unjust. Thank you for your compliance.

    she probably just finds it interesting that EVERYONE is telling me to eat more, and you're telling me to eat less.

    Check her profile...she has had eating disorders in the past...as unfortunate as most eating disorders are most are psychological in nature and i can't in good consicense allow you to accept her opinion...

    Below is text directly copied and pasted from her very public profile.

    I've always been taller and a couple sizes bigger. I would binge & purge and try anything to lose weight, but I never really understood how to do it correctly.

    Check your sources!
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    i don't want a pity party. and if i come off as a "baby", it's because i am not knowledgeable on this subject. i don't talk about something unless i know what i'm talking about. so, on a subject such as this, i'm trying to not step on toes because i know that i don't know **** about this stuff.

    I'll give you some good advice. I honestly don't even know how I got into this thread. I rarely use this site, I just record my calories on my phone, but since I'm here I'll do my best.

    1. You have to weigh your food. You need to know exactly what you're eating and how much you are eating it.
    2. If you're not eating a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, then you're doing it wrong
    3. If you're not lifting real weights, then you're doing it wrong

    Some people here might not agree with this advice. That's fine, but I am not concerned with just helping people lose weight. A lot of people look even worse once they lose the weight because they lost a **** ton of muscle to go with it. You're goal when dieting should be to maintain has much muscle as possible so you don't look like a soft sack of ****. Since you're new to lifting weights, you can do something that an experienced lifter can only do with the assistance of steroids, which is gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. It's a beautiful thing.

    okay, i can definitely pack on the protein. as far as weighing my food, i definitely do that. and i guess i can start lifting more weights. it's just unfortunate my gym doesn't have free weights, but that's fine.

    thanks for your help!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Oh, I must be lost, I thought this was the Motivation and Support forum.

    I am motivating him. I am supporting him. I'm just giving him reality. If my ways aren't politically correct enough for you then you can go **** yourself. A good *kitten* kicking is what people need sometimes.

    Oh sorry, I didn't realize calling someone a baby was motivational.

    Edit: also, telling me to go f**k myself? super motivational too.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I don't know whqat kind of working out you do but I do know that if you eat less and smarter and increase your cardio workout you will lose weight.

    You gain becasuse you eat too much!
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member

    Please keep comments on topic and not intentionally hurtful, insults are inappropriate and morally unjust. Thank you for your compliance.

    she probably just finds it interesting that EVERYONE is telling me to eat more, and you're telling me to eat less.

    Check her profile...she has had eating disorders in the past...as unfortunate as most eating disorders are most are psychological in nature and i can't in good consicense allow you to accept her opinion...

    Below is text directly copied and pasted from her very public profile.

    I've always been taller and a couple sizes bigger. I would binge & purge and try anything to lose weight, but I never really understood how to do it correctly.

    Check your sources!

    you also picked ONE PART of her entire section to make her seem horrible. and to be completely honest, that's a pretty disgusting thing to do. actually, it's really sad.

    what does it say after that statement? "Now that I have the tools, I'd like to be one of the tall thin girls. I'll know I'll never be petite and I'll always have big feet, but I'm okay with that now. "

    you're just trying to pick on people
  • What is with the rudeness in this post? He is asking for help and everyone is attacking him. Seriously, stop it! If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all.

    You can give constructive criticism without name calling. I would appreciate it if everyone would grow up.

    Thank you.
  • laurensgettingfit
    laurensgettingfit Posts: 41 Member
    My advice is to remember the saying. "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch".

    Good luck!!!!!!!! This week, I need it!! Over my daily calories, CBF to exercise tonight and haven't even eaten dinner
    tonight. And hubby just came through the door and said he has a treat for dessert and I hope he means food hahahaha...
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    I don't know whqat kind of working out you do but I do know that if you eat less and smarter and increase your cardio workout you will lose weight.

    You gain becasuse you eat too much!

    Correct! Thanks for saying the obvious.
  • okay, i can definitely pack on the protein. as far as weighing my food, i definitely do that. and i guess i can start lifting more weights. it's just unfortunate my gym doesn't have free weights, but that's fine.

    thanks for your help!

    Don't let that stop you. I'm not saying you have to go in there and train like Arnold, but you should start researching some basic 3 day, full body routines to help preserve and possibly gain muscle while you lose the fat.

    And don't forget to take progress pictures! Some weeks you might not lose weight, but you're body composition will change and you will still be losing fat, but the muscle gains will make the scale not move. The more muscle you have=the more calories you burn.

    You'll do fine. If you want it bad enough, you'll get it. I promise you that.
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    My advice is to remember the saying. "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch".

    haha, i like that :)