wallj135 Member


  • Brastop.com is a good website if you are larger chested.. they have a nice swimwear range and if you order today you get £7 off as well with the code 'GAMES'
  • Can you use any type of porridge oats to make this?
  • I take a pot of greek yoghurt with some almonds and some kind of fruit: raisins, cranberries, raspberries, blueberries, chopped banana. Delicious and not much preparation!
  • I've done 7 days of the 30 day shred so far and I'm loving it! The exercises do start getting a bit boring after doing the same thing every day but I can already see the difference. I haven't weighed or measured myself yet (doing that at the end of the 30 days) but my stomach feels flatter and more toned and my waist feel…
  • Hi guys! Just completed day 1 - pretty tough! I only used 1.5lb weights, impressed with those of you using 5lb! I thought I'd start out with light ones and work up to using my 5lb ones by level 3 (if I make it that far haha). Feeling good though after day 1, really had to push myself and the amount i am sweating is proof!!…
  • how do you change the settings? I want to set mine to higher protein and less carbs!
  • When you're doing frontcrawl/freestyle definitely try breathing after every 3 strokes so you alternate sides and make sure that you are slowly letting the air out while your head is under water. Then when you take a breath again you won't waste time breathing out and have to rush to breathe in again. Make sure you keep a…