

  • So I see so many people here judging a person based on their appearance if they are capable of doing their job? Isn't that why most of us are here? Were we not tired of being judged based on our appearance at some point? Yes, when we are talking about trainers and nutrionist we have an idea in mind of what we feel they…
  • bump for later
  • I say base it all on the type and amount of excercise you are doing. If you are burning over what your daily calorie burn should be I would suggest eating back some of your calories just to get the carbs and protien in your system. The last thing you want to do is start losing muscle tissue which will only slow down your…
  • bump, for later. would like to keep up with this one
  • I could not agree more, this type of device is good if you want to evaluate your daily routine and then determine a daily calorie intake from that point, but relying on this type of device for accurate calorie burn during excercise I do not recommend. Since I started using a heart rate monitor, I noticed a huge difference…
  • Personally, I believe heart rate monitors are the way to go for tracking calories burned. I have been using a mid priced one now for about a month and I love it! Everyone is different when it comes to daily activity and exercise, keeping track of your heart rate is the only way in my opinion to get an accurate idea!…