imonlyblessed Member


  • Congrats on your weight loss!
  • Don't feel bad. You are not the only one with that problem LOL.
  • I understand how you feel. For a long time, I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. Losing the belly fat is the main reason why I wanted to start this journey. I haven't been able to weigh myself in months because I don't have a scale at home. Yesterday, I happened to look back at my notes. I started at 41" (I'm 5'4" by the…
  • I started reading his book as well and have been confirming his suggestions through other (valid) sources. I am sure a lot of people will be thrown off by the words "fast track," but his reasoning seems pretty reasonable. The immediate weight you lose in the program is what he calls "fake belly fat" or waste that hasn't…
  • I actually came across his book at a local thrift store. I haven't finished reading it yet, but I'm already impressed with the information. It only confirmed what I suspected to be true. Since starting that book, I've been confirming some of the information he gives through other sources. I am truly amazed at how simple he…
  • I honestly think THIS was great advice. USE HER LANGUAGE. Express how you feel in a way that she will understand (more emotionally charged words). Whatever happens, be patient. Don't be pushy. It will take time. Eventually she will come around on her own.
  • *Waving* I quit relaxing my hair back in Feb. 2009. I did my "big" chop (at least it was big to me LOL) in June 2010. I am still excited over this journey. Feel free to add me :-)