Success with this belly?



  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    You can't spot reduce, once I realised this I gave up on the million ab work outs lol. I still do some ab work, but that's because I've been working on strength training more now, instead of just doing workouts to lose the tummy. You CAN reduce your stomach (as you have already realised, it will go down!), but really just focus on reducing all over and you'll get to your goal eventually :)

    Focus on your nutrition first and becoming more active, you'll get there :)
  • amarsh132
    amarsh132 Posts: 11
    I feel very much the same but you have done so well to be where you are. I am 21, 5'3 started at 226 now at 212 but cant see any difference and i think i am just impatient. I havent had babies or anything either i think we just need to accept encouragement and believe it will happen if we are patient! feel free to add me.
  • imonlyblessed
    imonlyblessed Posts: 7 Member
    I understand how you feel. For a long time, I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. Losing the belly fat is the main reason why I wanted to start this journey.

    I haven't been able to weigh myself in months because I don't have a scale at home. Yesterday, I happened to look back at my notes. I started at 41" (I'm 5'4" by the way) and I'm now at 35" around my waist (and that's with a long break from MFP and exercise).

    Just keep going. The only way we can fail is if we quit...
  • coleybug73
    coleybug73 Posts: 23 Member
    I just took a quick peek at your diary, and I'm by no means an expert, but I'd suggest you don't skip breakfast. Get some more lean protein overall. Cut back a little on refined carbs. I'm fighting the belly too, and refined carbs are not my friend. I don't use MFP to log, I started with Lose It and I haven't switched over. But my typical day is:


    1 Hard Boiled Egg
    1 Turkey Sausage Link
    1 Slice whole grain bread
    1 tsp light margarine
    Tea w/non dairy creamer & Splenda (or 1 tsp sugar!)

    4 oz GrilledChicken Breast
    1/2 cup steamed broccoli
    1/2 cup steamed green beans
    1 med apple

    4 oz Chicken Breast (or other lean protein)
    Small sweet potato
    1 cup of steamed veggies (broccoli, green beans, edamame, etc)
    Maybe a bit of salad

    Snacks (varied)
    String Cheese
    Kashi Bar
    Sliced peppers
    Grape Tomatoes and a bit of fresh mozzarella with basil vinegarette

    I've pretty much stuck to this for the last month, and I can see and feel a difference in the way my pants fit. I've also started lifting weights 3x a week (I'm following NROL4W) and I really like it. I know getting fit isn't going to happen in a month, but as long as I see and feel results, that's what pushes me to keep going. In fact, that's kind of my mantra...keep going!!! We can do this!!

    ^This except for magarine is spot on^

    Thanks for this post, I could really use the menu guidance! :)
    Did you mean Balsamic Vinaigrette? I couldn't find Basil.....but i bought all these items (tons of chicken LOL) and I'm gonna stay on this for the next 5 days then I will let ya know!

    It's Seven Seas Balsamic and Basil Viniagrette. Maybe it's new? I use it sparingly because it does contain a bit of sugar. Try to use those foods to stay within decent macros each day. Good luck!
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    I'm with ya! I'm about the same (bit heavier)

    Look, it's already going down....give it time and patience. Just keep at it:smile:
  • carrie_lou
    I just took a quick peek at your diary, and I'm by no means an expert, but I'd suggest you don't skip breakfast. Get some more lean protein overall. Cut back a little on refined carbs. I'm fighting the belly too, and refined carbs are not my friend. I don't use MFP to log, I started with Lose It and I haven't switched over. But my typical day is:


    1 Hard Boiled Egg
    1 Turkey Sausage Link
    1 Slice whole grain bread
    1 tsp light margarine
    Tea w/non dairy creamer & Splenda (or 1 tsp sugar!)

    4 oz GrilledChicken Breast
    1/2 cup steamed broccoli
    1/2 cup steamed green beans
    1 med apple

    4 oz Chicken Breast (or other lean protein)
    Small sweet potato
    1 cup of steamed veggies (broccoli, green beans, edamame, etc)
    Maybe a bit of salad

    Snacks (varied)
    String Cheese
    Kashi Bar
    Sliced peppers
    Grape Tomatoes and a bit of fresh mozzarella with basil vinegarette

    I've pretty much stuck to this for the last month, and I can see and feel a difference in the way my pants fit. I've also started lifting weights 3x a week (I'm following NROL4W) and I really like it. I know getting fit isn't going to happen in a month, but as long as I see and feel results, that's what pushes me to keep going. In fact, that's kind of my mantra...keep going!!! We can do this!!

    ^This except for magarine is spot on^

    The one medium apple (that looks small to me) has 16 gm of sugar and the sweet potato has 7 which is putting me over in the sugar with my veggies
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    try to focus on your new life journey - health, and the rest will come.
    my "dun lop" is diminishing. Actually it is the blob that hangs out under my belly button.
    Isn't it bizarre that at times we focus on the negative - we really need to focus on the positive. It is hard looking in the mirror at times, though the weight is going away little by little, at this point, the proportions are still similar. I now need to get working on incorporating activity for tone and maintaining muscle mass

    best to you!
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