Anyone doing the Belly Fat Cure?

toni_eccleston Posts: 7
edited January 15 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been doing the Slimfast plan now since new year but have had no significant weight loss. My weight has been going up and down so I have given up on Slimfast.
Yesterday I downloaded Jorge Cruise's book 'The Belly Fat Cure Fast Track'. I read it today and it seems so simple but does it work as well as all the reviews claim??
I'd love to know if anyone here has tried it in the past or maybe doing it now, how did you get on? I plan to start the 14 day fast track on Monday.


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I call my Belly Fat Cure "Diet and Exercise" It worked like a charm.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    The red flag for me here is the term "fast track". There is no fast track to losing belly fat, or any fat, really. For me the belly fat has been the last to go, but it is going, steadily, while following the eating/calorie advice in this topic:

    No gimmicks, no cutting foods out or avoiding certain things - I have steadily lost fat and inches (and pounds) over the past year, while enjoying pizza, burgers, desserts, alcohol - not every day, but weekly, and enjoying holidays, birthdays, vacations, etc without anxiety over trying to stick to a "diet".

    Give it a read, best move I ever made. :smile:
  • imonlyblessed
    imonlyblessed Posts: 7 Member
    I started reading his book as well and have been confirming his suggestions through other (valid) sources. I am sure a lot of people will be thrown off by the words "fast track," but his reasoning seems pretty reasonable. The immediate weight you lose in the program is what he calls "fake belly fat" or waste that hasn't passed through your intestines yet (as a result of poor eating habits). He admits that after this is gone, you should go back to losing real body fat (1-2 pounds a week).

    I am extremely excited about starting this program. It makes sense to me. At the very least, he gives a lot of great information about food...
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