SorryNameTaken Member


  • You can do it! I'm planning on starting my second whole30 here soon. It's a lot of work, but, as you know, so very worth it. Like you said, just take it one day at a time and you'll have completed it before you know it!
  • Another here with PCOS. I believe I was 12 when I was first told it was suspected and 14 when I had an ultrasound confirming it as well as insulin resistance and high testosterone. I started metformin not long ago, but had to come off because of it causing GI upset. Soon I'll be starting the extended release to see if that…
  • I'm doing it. I'm on day 2. Ive never done it before, but I have a friend who has. I decided to give it a go to see if it will help with things like sinus problems and brain fog. Wouldn't mind if I lose some weight too ;) What day are you on/when do you start? Feel free to add me if you want a whole 30 buddy!
  • Congrats on starting your journey!! I agree. I find having friends on here helps keep me accountable. It makes me want to stick with my plan and my goals. Good luck! You've got this!
  • I just started one today. It'll definitely be a difficult journey, but not an impossible one. You can definitely do it. Good luck!
  • Hi! I'm Alisa. I've been on MFP for a while, but I just started a whole 30 today and am looking for motivation. If you are paleo, doing a whole 30, or just looking for some friends to help motivate you, feel free to add me!
  • Sorry to hear about your rough 3 years, but you are already kicking butt and taking names! 22 pounds is a great deal of weight. I have about the same amount to lose. I'm adding you!
  • Hi Daniella! Yay for weddings! When is the big day? I'm trying to lose some weight before my wedding too! We've got this! Feel free to add me if you want some support :)
  • Hi! I'm Alisa and I'm fat too. I have never understood why that word is considered such a horrible word when describing one's self. I don't use it in a derogatory manner. Fat just happens to be one of the many adjectives that makes me who I am. I'm also kind, quirky, smiley, realistic, etc., etc., etc., Anyway, I good luck…
  • I've always had that same thought. I wasn't sure if having friends in here would motivate me more or not, but I'm ready to fund out! Either way I know I like trying to help motivate other people and I enjoy seeing other people's progress! I'm adding you :)
  • Welcome! I'm also looking to lose slightly more than 100 pounds. Looking for friends here is a great place to start. I'll add you so we can help keep each other motivated!
  • Same goal here! Ultimately I'd like to lose 100 pounds or maybe slightly more, but for now I am going to work in little increments to try and make the goals feel more in reach. You can do this!
  • Congrats on quitting smoking! I quit smoking as well and gained about 20 pounds in the year following my quit date. I am looking to lose that weight and more. You have a plan laid out and it sounds like a great place to start. If you can quit smoking, you can definitely lose the 17 kg!
  • Awesome job on quitting! It is such a difficult thing to tackle, but way to go! I am in the same boat as you. I quit November 5, 2013. I have gained weight over those two years, I'm not sure if it is related or not. I figure if I quit smoking for my health, I should try and get all aspects of my health in control. I had…
  • I have started over again too. I have been able to start using myfitnesspal regularly and it is really helping. You sound like you have the right mind set to get this going. You can do it! Feel free to add me if you want the support =)
  • Thank you for this!!!! My friend and I were just about to join weight watchers together, but I remembered seeing this before. I got it to work on both Firefox and Chrome. See below if you want to use it on Chrome (just in case this has been lost in all of the posts), it wouldn't work otherwise. (I added it the first part…