Never wear clothes again
Drop it Guru - TFS
Eat more fruit/veg as the snack. That might work. If you're still hungry after that drink more water.
Baked beans and tuna, really cheap, high in fibre/protein/good carbs. Downside low in fats.
50g of uncooked rice makes about 170-200g cooked rice. It near quadruples in amount, so if you had 100g of uncooked rice at 356 calories, that would make around 340-400g cooked rice. If you took 100g cooked rice, then it's only a third-quarter of the original uncooked amount. Hopefully that makes sense, I got a little lost…
I reached my goal weight about August last year, and I quite liked the way I looked. I was (and still am) in the best shape of my life so it felt great. Over time though, you'll probably start hating the way you look again (I still look the same as I did in August) and now I hate the way I look more than I did when I was a…
It is definitely because you're not eating enough. Obviously as you said you're recovering from an eating disorder which is great so getting back into normal eating habits would be hard (I assume, I've never had one myself so I don't know how it all works) but eating 500-600 NET is really low for someone your height and…
Here is a good recipe for protein bars, real easy to make and you can sub out some of the ingredients
Eat them during the day so you can exercise it off. It's what I do
I eat jaffa cakes and rich tea biscuits to get where I want to be. All about hitting macros/calories.
Having a lot of sodium makes you hold water, which isn't great for blood pressure. It doesn't affect weight or fitness though (apart from water weight). Obviously having too much sodium all the time is really bad for you, but then again too much of anything is bad for you. That's why it's too much. If you only eat chicken…
Best time I've found is in the morning after my trip to the toilet. Gets everything out and makes sure that it's only bodyweight and nothing else (food/water).