zemmy Member


  • I have pro for Android - it's $20 - I do like the pro workouts better and the human voices (though cheesy at times)... compared with a monthly gym membership, I feel like it's a really good deal (and SO much more convenient)
  • I'm not usually one for supplements, but on a whim I'm giving it a shot (as of Dec. 27) and I will say it's suppressed my appetite pretty well... before the holidays i was super hungry all the time and I'm not anymore. The first couple of days I took it like the bottle said, but it was too much - I actually had zero…
  • I like scrambled eggs or eggs over medium, sprinkled with chia seeds, followed by a big bunch of water. If there's time, I like to sautee up some mushrooms and zucchini in a little bit of coconut oil and turmeric (turmeric suppresses obesinogenic gut-bacteria and is tasty and pretty - can't lose). I raise my own eggs &…