

  • definitely the flashy thingy from MIB!
  • JILLIAN MICHAELS 30 day shred work out video. :love: her videos! amazing motivation too, thanks so much for posting, the dvd is in my player at home being ignored... this is great motivation to stop ignoring it!
  • Wellbutrin and the patch helped me to quit last year. I stumbled and smoked while drinking and became a smoker again about 6 months after I had quit, but when I was able to, the wellbutrin/patch combo worked wonders for me. The wellbutrin ( it's called zyban when used for non smoking) is amazing at killing cravings. Will…
  • Someone once told me in line at a bix box club store that you can mix water with CREAM and it tastes just like milk and there's no lactose (sugar) in cream. He was speaking in terms of low carb diet, but I seem to have remebered that for some reason.
  • staple after every thanksgiving: turkey, cranberry sauce and cream cheese sandwich on left over dinner rolls. SUPER unhealthy, but its a one time a year splurge! :ohwell:
  • My mom so graciously pointed out to me at a very young age that I have a "super hairy face" and began waxing my eyebrows at the ripe old age of 11, telling me "beauty is pain". When I discovered I had PCOS I was relieved to know there was at least a reason for my "super hairy face" but have only been able to manage it with…
  • Great group! My name is Amber Heavest weight: 208 Lowest weight: 165 Current weight: 180 Goal weight:155 WE'VE LOST IT BEFORE, LET'S DO IT AGAIN! :glasses:
  • 2 TBSP Apple Cider vinegar 2 TBSP Mayo ( I used the 1/2 olive oil kind) 2 TBSP Olive Oil 2 TSP garlic powder 1 garlic clove dash salt/pepper mix together and allow flavors to meld, dress salad about 1/2 hour before serving. It'll give you killer garlic breath though, so don't make it on date night! ;)