

  • I am 5'6 medium framed and weigh 151, my goal is 150. I am in a size 4/6 depending on the brand. I have been told not to lose anymore weight by everyone I know or I would start to look too thin. I am happy at the current weight I am and look thin enough. Now I am working on toning. It all comes down to body type! I see a…
  • I have some more toning to do on my stomach. I was wondering how u were able to completely get rid of the bottom belly that hangs a little? I do crunches, reverse crunches, and other exercises for toning the stomach, but that bottom part hasn't completely went away, It does look better. I had twin boys that r 5 now, so I…
  • I am a mom of twin boys that are now 5. I am in the best shape I have ever been in, and I have never been this size in my adult or teenage life (which is a size 4/6. In March of 2011 I decided it was time to make some changes, so I joined the gym.. I joined a few classes and really started to enjoy working out. Lost 25 lbs…
  • I don't know why my pics are no longer here and in replace of them is the link. Can someone pls help!?
  • sry tried to post my pics, but it didn't work any one have any ideas on how I can get them from my photobucket and put them up here?
  • In March of 2011 I decided it was time to make some changes, so I joined the gym.. I joined a few classes and really started to enjoy working out. Lost 25 lbs and then it just stopped coming off. In July 2012 I had to switch gyms due to my boys starting preschool and hated it b/c the classes they offered weren't the same,…
  • I know what you mean when you talk about the outfit not showing off your weight loss properly. I will go through so many clothes, and think to myself that this looks so cute on that girl, but I don't want to wear it b/c the thought that goes through my head is, people are going to think I am fat!
  • I also have this problem. I have lost 42 lbs in a little over 3 1/2 months. I have worked my butt off to lose it and for some reason my mind still sees myself as the same weight I was. I can fit into a size 6, and I barely have any clothes that fit, just the ones that I recently bought since I am at the size I want to be.…
  • I started in Jan walking 3 miles 3 times a week, in feb I decided to try running a little in between the walking. I with a half a mile, and just worked my way up. By March I was up to 2 miles and then I just started doing five miles this past week. I run now 6-7 days a week. I never was a runner, I would always say "the…
  • I weigh in on that time of month, but it really is up to u. If you can handle it and not let it get u down, then it doesn't really matter, as long as you know in the back of your mind that it isn't something that you did, its just water weight and when it's over you will lose it. I ALWAYS gain 3 lbs during that time of…