

  • Ughhhhhhh! Having trouble getting back in the groove. I had a good run earlier this week. Then Wednesday, for some reason, I just COULD NOT DO IT. I ran about 12 minutes (roughly half of what I should be doing) and finally gave up and walked the rest. I'm not sure if maybe I cut too many calories earlier, or maybe just the…
  • Thanks for the tip, everyone. I added 1% incline to my last two runs. I could tell that ai had to put forth a bit more effort, but it was doable. I could DEFINITELY tell that it just "felt" more "natural.". Sorry, I don't know how else to put it. The run just felt smoother and less mechanical and forced.
  • Repeated Week 7 today. At the suggestion of another member, I added a 1% incline to the treadmill. She said it was more natural and more similar to actual running on ground and better on the joints. It did feel more natural, but, as expected, I did have to expend a bit more effort. Not bad, but I definitely noticed. I've…
  • Wow, thanks for the suggestions. I'll add a little incline on my next run (hopefully tonight, time permitting) and see how it goes.
  • I've done both. Working out at the gym works better for me. But, as you can see from the varied replies, you'll just have to weigh your options and see what works for you. I started out with home equipment. It worked out good for me for a while. I added a gym membership so I could work out with a friend. He moved away, and…
  • Great topic! I've never been able to run. Even in grade school in PE, I struggled...and honestly haven't put any effort into trying since then. I've been doing the Couch to 5k program and it's working out great for me so far. I'm running on a treadmill with no incline, and I'm not setting any speed records, but I'm up to…
  • I've been slacking off a bit during Christmas, but I'm back on board now. I'm officially on week 7 day 3, but I think I may repeat week 7 before moving on to week 8, as it has taken me almost 2 weeks to finish week7. Week 6 was scary for me, too. Week 6 day 3 (the first 25 minutes straight run) was pretty hard, but week 7…
  • carl1738 is absolutely right. Though I don't avoid eating after cardio per se, I'm usually not hungry, and I make no effort to eat/drink a recovery meal. It adds calories, and it's unnecessary after cardio. I do eat a recovery meal after weight training, as soon as possible. It's absolutely necessary, IMO. And sometimes I…
  • Personally, I've been splitting my workouts...rather than doing weight training and cardio in the same trip, I'll do one or the other. It works out better for me that way, even though I'm sometimes going to the gym twice a day. I found if I did both cardio and weights in the same trip to the gym, I was shortchanging myself…
  • I think you'll surprise yourself! If I can do it, ANYONE can. I'm not that terribly overweight, but I was a pack-a-day smoker until quitting about a year ago. I'm not setting any speed records, and I'm on a treadmill with no incline, but my last couple of runs were 25 minutes straight, and over 2 miles. I'm officially…
  • You can do it!!!!! I've taken a couple of days off, and I felt it today...the WEIRDEST sensation. All day today I've felt this NEED to go run! Today's run was actually exhilarating! I'm on week six now....the first two days were short-ish runs with walks in the middle, but my next run (Thursday) is 25 minutes straight! I'm…
  • I could *never* run before, I even struggled in PE in grade school and honestly haven't even tried since then...until now. Couch to 5k flat out WORKS! Trust the process, slow your pace if you need to, and don't be afraid to repeat a few workouts or even a week if the upcoming workouts look a little too hard. I was scared…
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