Couch to 5k



  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I'm going to try week 2 wednesday ... i'm actually pretty nervous!

    good luck and let us know how it goes! i got off schedule last week because of a crazy weekend full of disaster after disaster, but i finally completed week 1 day 3 tonight... i'm a little scared of starting week 2- i dont think i can run for a full 90 seconds yet!

    me either! though i did a little jogging during my kickboxing class today... and pushed harder than i thought i could do... we'll see!
  • I'm going to try week 2 wednesday ... i'm actually pretty nervous!

    You can do it!!!!!

    I've taken a couple of days off, and I felt it today...the WEIRDEST sensation. All day today I've felt this NEED to go run! Today's run was actually exhilarating!

    I'm on week six now....the first two days were short-ish runs with walks in the middle, but my next run (Thursday) is 25 minutes straight! I'm a little nervous, too. I'm especially nervous about next week, week 7 - every run is LONG!!! But I've come SO far, and though I'm nervous, I'm looking forward to the challenge!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    anyone continuing the program? i just completed w2d2!!! :)
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Finished week 2 yesterday. Week 3 starts Monday!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Finished week 2 yesterday. Week 3 starts Monday!

    just completed week 2 today! hoping to start 3 on wednesday!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Week 3 day 1 complete!
  • Still going strong!! Did W3D1 yesterday. I thought my legs were gonna turn to jello and shoot me off of the treadmill during the second 3 minute run, but I did it!! On to D2 tomorrow. :)
  • Is it too late to get in on this? Would love to start again, was doing a little running outside over the summer, but havent put my shoes on since like September. . .where can I find a copy of the program?

    Thanks. . .and good luck to all. . .
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Is it too late to get in on this? Would love to start again, was doing a little running outside over the summer, but havent put my shoes on since like September. . .where can I find a copy of the program?

    Thanks. . .and good luck to all. . .

    Never too late to join. Good Luck!
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    I could *never* run before, I even struggled in PE in grade school and honestly haven't even tried since then...until now. Couch to 5k flat out WORKS! Trust the process, slow your pace if you need to, and don't be afraid to repeat a few workouts or even a week if the upcoming workouts look a little too hard. I was scared to death to do week 5 workout 3 (the first really long run - 20 minutes straight), and put it off for a week by repeating week 4 and day 1 of week 5 for a few days. I'm happy to report I completed week 5 day 3 yesterday - 1.8 miles!!!

    This is awesome to hear. My background is *very* similar - I remember once running 1 km in middle school without walking, but think that was the height of my "achievement" in the running department.

    I started out walking on the treadmill, but found it boring, so added inclines and recently little bouts of running. Running 5k seems unreachable right now, but being able to run a mile would be nifty. So I was looking for walk-run programs, not really with 5k in mind, but downloaded a C25K podcast. When I went to the gym Monday planning to do week 1, day 1, I realized to my horror that iTunes had not only put the 5 *latest* podcasts on my iPod, so the earliest I had was the week 2 one. Long story short, I did that one an made it. Tonight I 'll try to repeat the experience.

    This said, no way I'm running 20 min continually within a few weeks. The best I can do right now is 3 min.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    congrats to anyone starting w3... i should be doing that tonight! I'm scared! haha. I'm also coming down with a head cold I think... so exercise at all should be interesting. :( Keep up the good work!

  • This said, no way I'm running 20 min continually within a few weeks. The best I can do right now is 3 min.

    I think you'll surprise yourself! If I can do it, ANYONE can. I'm not that terribly overweight, but I was a pack-a-day smoker until quitting about a year ago. I'm not setting any speed records, and I'm on a treadmill with no incline, but my last couple of runs were 25 minutes straight, and over 2 miles. I'm officially still on week 7...I'm taking a bit of a break for the holidays, so I haven't been doing that much lately, but my goal is to run 3 miles straight nonstop sometime in the next month or so. the process, repeat a few workouts if you feel you can't go on quite yet, and slow your pace if you need to. You can do it!

    Keep us posted on your progress!!!!
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    I think you'll surprise yourself! If I can do it, ANYONE can. I'm not that terribly overweight, but I was a pack-a-day smoker until quitting about a year ago. I'm not setting any speed records, and I'm on a treadmill with no incline, but my last couple of runs were 25 minutes straight, and over 2 miles. I'm officially still on week 7...I'm taking a bit of a break for the holidays, so I haven't been doing that much lately, but my goal is to run 3 miles straight nonstop sometime in the next month or so. the process, repeat a few workouts if you feel you can't go on quite yet, and slow your pace if you need to. You can do it!

    Keep us posted on your progress!!!!

    OK, if you say so...

    So yesterday it was time for the second workout, but also for my weight training. So I did 10min on the elliptical to warm up and dove into the weight exercises. They went quite well, so I pushed myself, and ended up pretty exhausted. Not the best condition for running (or run-walking)... so I partially chickened out and did week 1 instead of week 2 (given I had skipped week 1, I thought that was permissible). It wasn't easy, and I ran most segments at a slow 8 km/h (5 mph) - two faster, and several a bit slower - but I did it. To be continued.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    i have a nasty cold.... including body aches... so my week 3 is def going to be delayed a little...
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Week 3 Day 2 done.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Hey, is it ok for me to join this thread? I joined another when I started c25k, but it's kind of fizzled out. I am on week 5 right now, just finished day 2, and the next one (Christmas Day) is going to be 20 minutes in a row! I'm a little nervous about it, but that excited kind of how-much-will-this-rock-and-suck-at-the-same-time nervous, lol. Anyway, I know I'm ahead a little bit, but I'd really like to be part of an active c25k thread.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Hey, is it ok for me to join this thread? I joined another when I started c25k, but it's kind of fizzled out. I am on week 5 right now, just finished day 2, and the next one (Christmas Day) is going to be 20 minutes in a row! I'm a little nervous about it, but that excited kind of how-much-will-this-rock-and-suck-at-the-same-time nervous, lol. Anyway, I know I'm ahead a little bit, but I'd really like to be part of an active c25k thread.

    Of course! :) Welcome!

  • OK, if you say so...

    So yesterday it was time for the second workout, but also for my weight training. So I did 10min on the elliptical to warm up and dove into the weight exercises. They went quite well, so I pushed myself, and ended up pretty exhausted. Not the best condition for running (or run-walking)... so I partially chickened out and did week 1 instead of week 2 (given I had skipped week 1, I thought that was permissible). It wasn't easy, and I ran most segments at a slow 8 km/h (5 mph) - two faster, and several a bit slower - but I did it. To be continued.

    Personally, I've been splitting my workouts...rather than doing weight training and cardio in the same trip, I'll do one or the other. It works out better for me that way, even though I'm sometimes going to the gym twice a day.

    I found if I did both cardio and weights in the same trip to the gym, I was shortchanging myself - either I was holding back and not going full intensity on whatever I did first, or I would go all-out on whatever I did first and be too tired to go balls-to-the-wall on whatever came second. Make sense?

    Anyway.....just tossing you an idea of what works for me.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Week 3 done.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Great job guys! Unfortunately this cold is kicking my butt! Even walking today... felt like how I feel when I jog. So... I'm a little behind... but I'll catch up I promise!
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