Couch to 5k

looking to start couch to 5k this week... (probably actually starting on wednesday). anyone interested in doing it with me? I know I may be repeating some weeks... running is definitely a major struggle for me. but im ok with that. my eventual goal is to do a 5k around next summer... even if i walk some of it.

If anyone's interested let me know :)


  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I'm on week two right now. I will be doing some repeat weeks too. I'm really enjoying it although i found that i LOVE LOVE LOVE running outside. Everything about it. the terrain, the burn, the music, the freezing cold (i run the south end beach) the quiet, avoiding wierd peoples dog **** on the sidewalk, everything. I go from my house, all the way down to fort taber, and then turn around and wlak back, donkg half of that in teh sand so it super awesome.]!
    I'd love to be your c25k bud.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    It is a great program but stick to what it tells you to do, I didn't take my rest days and hurt my knee from over doing it.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    I agree with Jennplus. Definitely follow the instructions. I too didn't take my rest days, and found it difficult to complete. Got there in the end though! It's a fantastic program to get started on running!
    Just make sure you have a great compilation of running music. I keep changing my music collection because I get bored whilst running. Running's not really my forte but I want it to be. :smile: Oh and a comfortable pair of running shoes!

    I've completed the program, but I still use it just to keep practicing on my time. I'm still finding it difficult to complete 5K in 20mins but it's a great stamina builder!

    Have fun ! :glasses:
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm interested in starting C25K soon - but I'm a student and am planning to wait until my classes end (which is the end of this week, yikes!) I would love to be your C25K buddy! I like being in challenges with others because of the accountability, and the company. I'm a little nervous starting the program at the beginning of winter because I HATE HATE HATE the cold.

    But, long story short, I'm in!
  • HilarieXcore
    HilarieXcore Posts: 214 Member
    I definitely wanna join you! :)
    I need to get back to working out after finals.. i miss it.
    I hate running because I'm not good at it so I really wanna try to do this (:
  • briehl01
    I literally just finished Week 9 Day 1. I smoked for 15 years and quit about six months ago - never thought I'd be able to run down the street let alone 3 miles. Get some good running music and stick with it! The sense of accomplishment is pretty cool! And, have you ever seen the bodies of people that run a lot?!?! Definitely something to strive for!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Thanks guys! I'm definitely a little afraid of it. But I can do it :) I am going to be adding this to days that I already go to the gym (usually zumba) I'm going to have to look into the schedule more I guess. But would it be ok to do this before or after an hour of zumba? I do classes 5-6 days a week... and I don't really want to give any up. I love them! But this is a major challenge I want to face.
  • mandyshell
    I'm in!! I do Zumba a few days a week too. I was planning on starting day 1 of C25K today actually. Going to sign up for a 7K in March to keep me going!!! Let's do this :)
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I'm in!! I do Zumba a few days a week too. I was planning on starting day 1 of C25K today actually. Going to sign up for a 7K in March to keep me going!!! Let's do this :)

    I don't want to give up my classes. haha. so I think I'm going to do it before or after. I never been able to run... so this should be interesting! I'll probably do day 1 on Wednesday.

    Today is date night/rest day. and Tuesdays are zumba, kickboxing, and core muscle conditiong.... 2 1/2 hrs is already enough. haha
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I'm in!! I do Zumba a few days a week too. I was planning on starting day 1 of C25K today actually. Going to sign up for a 7K in March to keep me going!!! Let's do this :)

    PS You look awesome!!!

    We can do it!
  • mandyshell
    Oh thank you :) I'm hoping I'll be able to run longer than I did last time I tried this. I tried the C25K before I lost any weight, so I'm hoping for at least a little improvement. lol. Yeah, I can't give up my Zumba either, I LOVE my Zumba :) You are a busy woman, holy cow!! Have fun tomorrow, work it girl!! Let me know how day 1 goes :)
  • motoxmom1
    I'll join you! I got new running gear over the weekend and have been breaking in my new shoes. I am thinking Mon/Wed/Fri as I swim laps on Tues/Thurs/Sun. Just curious what type of device are you going to use to know when to switch from walking to running? Will a stop watch let you program it to keep going off at certain intervals? I'm excited to get this started!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Oh thank you :) I'm hoping I'll be able to run longer than I did last time I tried this. I tried the C25K before I lost any weight, so I'm hoping for at least a little improvement. lol. Yeah, I can't give up my Zumba either, I LOVE my Zumba :) You are a busy woman, holy cow!! Have fun tomorrow, work it girl!! Let me know how day 1 goes :)

    will do!! holidays might not be the best time to try and schedule something else... but i want to do it! :) hence the need for some accountability buddies! haha
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    I just started this yesterday. Did Week 1 Day 1. I will be doing my on a treadmill.

    I did through week 8 of this program last year and blew out my knee horseback riding and had to go through surgery and pt.

    Wishing everyone much success!
  • iamamalia
    iamamalia Posts: 21 Member
    i just started this yesterday- outside in the frigid nj cold! it was rough for me, but i finished it! i used the stopwatch feature on my watch and it was it was a little difficult to coordinate... i searched the web last night and found some C25K podcasts which i will be using for week 1 day 2 tomorrow- they give you cues for when to run and walk. just google "c25k podcasts"... hope that helps!
  • motoxmom1
    I found the C25K playlists last night and downloaded so I am ready for Wednesday!
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    C25K is an awesome program! I completed this about a year and a half ago and haven't stopped running since! Go for it and stick with the program. For me running became addictive and this past year I completed a half marathon, triathlon and full marathon. I also just registered for my next half marathon in Feb. Signing up for races has given me a lot of motivation to keep up with good eating and maintaining my fitness. Keep up the great work!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    If I had a treadmill I totally would.
    It's not the best time of year to be running outside in these parts (Eastern Canada) .. cold and snow and ice. I live right down the street from a 1/4 mile track though and I will be planning on the C25K in the Spring.

    Good luck!!
  • SimonsGirl
    I'm in too starting tomorrow!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Week 1 Day 2 Complete!