Any beginner runners out there?

kpepper07 Posts: 41
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone like to run and is just starting out? I am trying to start running (slowly) and would love for some of you to join me. Every week we can add in how many miles we run for the week (either outside or treadmill) on how to run and what shoes are good ones (etc etc). I would like to start by running a 5K. I can run/walk one now but I would like to run the whole thing. Then I would like to do a 10 mile, a 1/2 marathon and then maybe just maybe a full marathon. I plan to start Sunday. We can set an end date of Feb 19, 2011. There is a 5K that I would like to "RUN" in. I will list my dates and how far. Any takers???



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Have you looked at couch to 5k? It is 10 weeks though, so you might have to start on week 2 or 3:)
  • vandy29
    vandy29 Posts: 39 Member
    Actually....I am planning on starting to run after the first of the year.....I was running a few years ago....but stopped....I have done two 5Ks.....I would like to do a triathlon in June, 2011
  • I began running about a year ago. Right now in a bit of a slump but completed (3) 10k races last year. I would have never guessed that that would be possible. I am going to start up on January again. If you want friend me and we can work on it a bit together.

    Not sure if this will work try it out...Finish of my first 10k...

    Video embedding doesn't work...Here is the link if your are interested.
  • bkegurl36
    bkegurl36 Posts: 61 Member
    I would totally love to join! I dove into running when I started working out again and I really enjoy it! But I am starting p90x on Monday (that is if this cold goes away in time) :tongue: So I am not sure if I will be doing much running!!
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I just started jogging (I'm not to the running stage yet) 2 weeks ago. I've jogged/walked 24 miles so far. RIght now I can jog 1 1/2 miles without stopping, then walk a short block, then jogging to the 2 mile point before I have to walk again. I'm getting in more jogging than walking already, but I need to keep up the jogging for the whole 2 miles without stopping now. I'm trying to run 1 1/2 miles in less than 11 minutes, hopefully in 10 minutes, by the time I have to do a Physical Agility Test in about a month. I'm going slow at first so I won't have any set-backs, but I'm slowly increasing my jogging distance once or twice a week. Any advice on how to decrease my time would be really appreciated. Right now I'm trying to jog 6 days a week, and I do it outside. I would also like to do a fun run or a 5K in the future. Here are my dates and distance (just for the amount of time I jogged):
    12-19- 2 miles
    12-20- 2.5 miles
    12-21- 2 miles
    12-23- 2.6 miles
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    I'm working my way up to a 5K, too.

    Middle aged housewife. Pretty new to running. Your goals sound similar to mine.

    Friend me, if you like.

  • I just started seriously running in August. I have done three 5K's so far and have started training for a 10K in June. I have never been a real runner in my life, so this feels like such a major accomplishment. I can't believe how many doors I have opened for myself regarding future plans. I am so excited to travel new places so I can run there.

    Last night I ran a 9.29 min mile. That's my very best so far. I think my average is really a 10.25 minute mile and I was just especially "on fire" last night. I bought the Nike sport band which really helps me track my runs, as well as set up new goals. I'm currently trying to use the coach feature to help me train for my 10K.

    I'll look forward to running *with* you.
  • maeflower1234
    maeflower1234 Posts: 87 Member
    I could try and join you. I can only jog for under 2 minutes haha! So, I need to work up to it. I do have a 5K scheduled for April.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Love this topic!
    I started run/walking in June 2010. I have done several races... slowly my run duration is increasing and my walk duration is decreasing. I use a fixed 4:2 ratio, although if I am feeling good then I extend the run duration. My longest race was a 10K so far, and a 5 miler on Thanksgiving.

    I am training for a half marathon at the end of January ... but I still consider myself a beginner and would love support and to support others! Friend me aynytime!
  • @Bkegurl36...let me know how the p90X is.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I started to run a little while ago but stopped. I'd like to pick it back up again. I will be doing my running outdoors, so I'm crossing my fingers Santa brings me that warm running hat I wanted :)

    I am also going to start it up on the 26th. I am going to supplement my weight workout with running and a cardio video.

    I'm in!

    STARG1RL Posts: 44 Member
    I'm just about done with's "3 Weeks to a 30 Min Running Habit"... I really truly enjoy it! I, like several of you, have never considered myself to be a runner but I can honestly say that I love how I feel after I've logged a run/walk & that as soon as I'm done on Thursday, I'm moving straight into training fo my first 5k, even if it is on my treadmill :wink: I'll be right there with you, good luck :happy:
  • Great topic!

    I've never been able to run. Even in grade school in PE, I struggled...and honestly haven't put any effort into trying since then. I've been doing the Couch to 5k program and it's working out great for me so far. I'm running on a treadmill with no incline, and I'm not setting any speed records, but I'm up to 25 minutes straight, around 2.25 miles. I'm mainly concentrating on increasing my endurance right now, and not really emphasizing speed per se. I'll start working on increasing my speed (and maybe adding some incline on the treadmill, and actually doing a "real" run outdoors) after I reach that elusive 5k mark :-)
    STARG1RL Posts: 44 Member
    @ gahdzila

    "I'm running on a treadmill with no incline"

    I've read several articles on treadmill running & one of the first things they mention is that you should run with a minimum of 1% incline, to reduce the risk of injury, just an fyi :smile: I have mine set to a 2% because it feels more natural to me than running with 0 incline, it also feels A LOT better on my joints/ muscles (which I'm also learning a TON about in my Massage Therapy Anatomy classes)... Just my two cents but I hope that helps you out a bit... Happy running all!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Great topic!

    I've never been able to run. Even in grade school in PE, I struggled...and honestly haven't put any effort into trying since then. I've been doing the Couch to 5k program and it's working out great for me so far. I'm running on a treadmill with no incline, and I'm not setting any speed records, but I'm up to 25 minutes straight, around 2.25 miles. I'm mainly concentrating on increasing my endurance right now, and not really emphasizing speed per se. I'll start working on increasing my speed (and maybe adding some incline on the treadmill, and actually doing a "real" run outdoors) after I reach that elusive 5k mark :-)

    You should not be running with no incline dear... it is similar to running downhill and over time will really screw up your bones and joints, especially your ligament (IT bands etc). You should run with at least 1% incline... and some people advise 2% incline so that your running on a treadmill will translate better to outside. Outside you not only have incline, but you have to move your body weight, and also have wind resistance.

    Great job though ... when or how is your plan to get outside?
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    i'm totally in! i've spent the last year working on diet and general exercise.
    my goal this year is to improve as a beginner runner. :love:

    the last year or two i've actually had my husband show me how to really run. i was born with knee problems (which were surgically fixed in my late teens), so i never ran, always sat on the side or walked, and was in special pe. i could always jog a little, but that was about it.. but then my husband (who is athletic) pointed out that i wasn't running correctly when i gained up speed.

    ever since then i've wanted to improve on running. i practice on the treadmill at an incline and now i can run 6.0mph for a few minutes. that's a big deal for me! :laugh:

    i am very involved in the community, so being able to do a 5k or any kind of walking/jog/run event, would really mean a lot to me. :flowerforyou:

    thanks for posting this! :bigsmile:
  • Wow, thanks for the suggestions. I'll add a little incline on my next run (hopefully tonight, time permitting) and see how it goes.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    I’ve been dabbling in the idea of running. I too never have been able to run in high school, but have been interested in proving to myself that I can. I so far (on the treadmill, because the snow and ice in Montreal is enough to scare most off the sidewalks) listen to my ipod running one song then walking one. I’m looking to slowly build myself up to running the entire time, well jogging really.
    STARG1RL Posts: 44 Member
    I’ve been dabbling in the idea of running. I too never have been able to run in high school, but have been interested in proving to myself that I can. I so far (on the treadmill, because the snow and ice in Montreal is enough to scare most off the sidewalks) listen to my ipod running one song then walking one. I’m looking to slowly build myself up to running the entire time, well jogging really.

    Try "3 Weeks to a 30 Minute Running Habit," that's the one I've gone by & tonight's my 21st day :smile: OR the other one that was suggested (& I assume it's basically the same idea) "Couch to 5k"... Good luck & again, HAPPY NEW YEAR/ HAPPY RUNNING all!
  • Thanks for the tip, everyone. I added 1% incline to my last two runs. I could tell that ai had to put forth a bit more effort, but it was doable. I could DEFINITELY tell that it just "felt" more "natural.". Sorry, I don't know how else to put it. The run just felt smoother and less mechanical and forced.
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