

  • As a health care professional, of course i would encourage all my patients to eat their 5 a day but include fruit and vegetables, even if they have diabetes. With diabetes what you dont want is a sudden rise in your blood glucose level, so incorporating fruit and vegetables in a meal, will only incur a slow rise and…
  • I tend not to use all the extra exercise calories but will have to use 50-100 calories out for around 500-1000 calories gained. I am sure in the future I will have to redress this
  • you look fantastic. Very well done xxx
  • I am usually always under my food goal because of the exercise I do some days. Yesterday I was still to have 1200 which I just could not use despite trying. Most food i eat is low in calories--ie fruit and veg so it is sometimes really hard for me to use them all up despite lowering my intake to 1300. I agree being 100-200…
  • Unfortnately we didn't gain all the weight overnight, so why do we expect to lose it overnight. These things take time and whether you go the straight road or take the scenic route, as long as we get there- thats the main thing. I like my scenic journey and had lost nearly 38 pounds before I started to notice despite…
  • I log onto my diary but rarely do posts, but I only started reading the posts last week, so things might change
  • I usually make soup with it or risotto.
  • I have tried to lose weight unsuccessfully for years but this time I am going to do it. It is a long and lonely journey but hopefully I can find some support here. I try to log on daily but during the week it is harder due to long working hours but I do chart my food and exercise. I am here for anyone looking for support.…
  • WOW some amazing results. Very jealous.
  • You can do it because you have the impact of your mother's diabetes. Did you mother start on insulin and thats why you believe she is now Type 1? If she had type 2 and started on insulin, she is still type 2 controlled with insulin, type 1 are dependant on insulin. Sorry I am a diabetes specialist nurse. If you make the…
  • Yeah happened yesterday when one of the consultants said to me- "you being very good, keep up the good work" I actually thought he hadn't noticed as he said said nothing, so sometimes, silence is better. LA
  • Looking for friends myself. Find losing weight a long and sometimes lonely journey. Feel free to message me. I am online most days. LA:wink:
  • Welcome and I am sure this time will be different. I love the way MFP allows you to track both diet and exercise and I feel we need both for any weight loss plan to work. You appear to have the determination and if this starts to falter--come on to the support boards . We are all here for you and know this is a difficult…
  • Thanks everyone. My mother although now in her 70's has criticised me all my life. It suits her for me to be overweight, so she can go on about me being so different to my brothers, "dont know where we got you from" "must be a mix up in the hospital" or worse "dont think your ours, everything we like ,you cant stand" I am…
  • Its such a hard thing to do--lose weight and you should be extremely proud of your achievement even though no-one else has noticed. I agree that people may not want to upset you by remarking onnyour weight loss but I am delighted for you. Having never been thin in my life-even as a child, I still always see myself in the…