brookident Member


  • Hmmm.... This sounds suspiciously like what I'm coping with now. The pain is worst with standing up after sitting for a while and going up stairs. I bet if you press on the outside of your leg, right where it joins your pelvis you'll feel really tender too, right? Well, me too. I hate to tell you this but I was just…
  • Hi everybody, I'm Brooke. I started the 30DS on 1st Aug but after interrupting it for a romantic week in Paris (I know, a tough life, right?) I have fallen off the wagon. All those pain au chocolats and red wine didn't help either! So in all, I did 5 days, went to Paris and haven't touched it since coming home on Saturday.…
  • Hi all, I'm 36 years old an American Ex-pat living in Winchester, England. I actually signed up for MFP about a month ago, was really good for about a week but without any accountability I just sort of went off track! I'd love to help to support and motivate y'all and hope for the same in return. Someone needs to keep me…
  • I'm with ya! Friend me up! And I've got about 70 pounds to lose. I'm not entirely new to running though. About 5 years ago I moved to a city where I didn't have a car. I was walking everywhere. I was getting fitter everyday and eventually tried jogging/walking along the river in the city park. Eventually I ended up signing…
  • Same story here Yankee, I just need someone to hold me accountable. I signed up for MFP about a month ago and was doing great for about 2 weeks and then.... well, you know how it goes! Someone to check up on me, encourage and congratulate would be very welcome indeed. Let's help each other out!