Hi, Need to lose 50+ lbs? Me too, Lets Chat!

Hi! I am 34 years old. I Live in a suburb of Philadelphia, PA. I am looking to lose a significant (70+ lbs) amount of weight. I am looking for people who are similar that I can befriend and we can keep each other accountable and on track, share what's working for you and what's not working, and Just have a good time! I have been one of those back a forth dieters, but this time I am trying to follow through. Hope to talk to some of you soon!


  • Hello I'm 36 mother of 4, I'm on a mission to loose 50+ lbs..it isn't easy always struggled with my weight issues. Would love to buddie up with someone! I have some girlfreinds here I live around whom aren't in my shoes but r dieting too..so talk to you soon I just started today with this program.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    hey! im 33 live in SO cali... and have 50-80 to loose!
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    I am on Day 2. I have met my caloric goals both days! Yay me!

    I also worked out both days! Yesterday I did 45 Minutes on the eliptical and burned 500 claories, today i did abs, 30 minute circuit, and 20 mintes on the eliptical. I belong to Planet Fitness.

    My boyfriend and my frind both go as well, but they are like 135lbs so i dont think they understand how hard it is for me to do the same things they do. Its nice to have friend that are in the same boat as I am. So what are all of you doing as far ast eating and exercising?
    JSPAIDE Posts: 2 Member
    HI I am new to this...looking to lose 50 lbs....lacking in motivation and looking for support..
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Welcome Jspaide! What are you doing to lose?
  • Amyaustin90
    Amyaustin90 Posts: 27 Member
    hello. Im Amy, 22 years old and lazy! i want to lose 60 pounds by july 2013. ive started eating natural food, less junk. and i hate working out. im trying to find fun active things i like...so far kayaking is good-about 700cal burned in 90min.
  • Amyaustin90
    Amyaustin90 Posts: 27 Member
    i also got insanity, but at this point its way to hard. and kills my knees. i plan to pick it back up when i loose about 30lbs.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Hello and welcome! I need to lose about 60 lbs - I have tried before too, but this is the real deal this time!
    My husband is supportive but he weighs 135 so he doesn't get how hard it can be.

    I would love to be friends - feel free to add me. I try to be on MFP multiples times per day.
  • Everyone feel free to add me :))))
  • Amyaustin90
    Amyaustin90 Posts: 27 Member
    hey same here, i want to lose 60 and my husband is 130. he can eat anything i swear :P
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me :) tomorrow is my 515 straight day of logging into mfp and in that time I've lost 77 pounds. My hubby has lost 180 and my son has lost 125. Me and hubby still have more to lose. I'm 42.
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    So glad to see so many in the same situation! Makes it a little easier to keep at it to know your not alone.

    Amy I have never tried Kayaking, but it sounds like fun!

    Clover - do you get discouraged having a slimmer husband? Cause I do sometimes, although my boyfriend say he loves me just how I am, I still feel self conscious with him.
  • ballousgirl
    ballousgirl Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have only been on MFP for a few weeks and am hoping to lose 80+ pounds. I know it is going to be difficult so I am always open to building a supportive friend network.
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Anyone feel free to add me :) tomorrow is my 515 straight day of logging into mfp and in that time I've lost 77 pounds. My hubby has lost 180 and my son has lost 125. Me and hubby still have more to lose. I'm 42.

    Wtg Lil!
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    Hello!! I'm 22 and I'm working at losing my 50 pounds! I started at 189 and I'm at 165 right now! I'm a full time student working on two degrees, Christian ministry and Art education EC-12 :)
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Good Morning Ladies! Happy Friday! What's on the adgenda for this weekend? Me? I'll be celebrating my birthday! Sabotage for healthy eating and exercise...ugh, but thankfully it only happens once a year...right? I hope all of you have a happy healthy weekend! I'm gonna try to check in...
  • brookident
    brookident Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, I'm 36 years old an American Ex-pat living in Winchester, England. I actually signed up for MFP about a month ago, was really good for about a week but without any accountability I just sort of went off track! I'd love to help to support and motivate y'all and hope for the same in return. Someone needs to keep me in line though!!

    I've got about 70 pounds that I want to shake, and so far I've been eating smaller portions (I'm a pretty healthy eater anyway, just too much of a good thing) and have been doing Turbo Jam, Yogalates, DVDs and hiking and cycling around my local area. I tried Jillian Michael's Biggest Winner DVDs and they're just too much for me at this stage!! I have some work to do before she'll be able to kick my *kitten* into shape! :-)

    I'm a teacher so I'm off for the summer and I want to do the 'daily double' for the next few weeks where I'm strength training or cardio twice a day 6 days a week. Well, that's my story. I hope to hear from some more of you soon!

  • brookident
    brookident Posts: 6 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Happy Friday! What's on the adgenda for this weekend? Me? I'll be celebrating my birthday! Sabotage for healthy eating and exercise...ugh, but thankfully it only happens once a year...right? I hope all of you have a happy healthy weekend! I'm gonna try to check in...

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • I want to lose 50lbs. I am Z-fitness Instructor so I have a committment that I must keep. I teach 6 classes/week that does not include special events I may participate in. I was at a plateau to I have committed to jogging and walking 7 days/week at least 4-6 miles a day. I know this will help me reach my goal.

    I have a short term goal from July 5, 2012 through August 6, 2012. Then August 6, 2012 through September 3, 2012. I have found setting short term goals makes it more realistic to lost the 50lbs.

    I want longevitiy in my life, so I am not only doing this for me, I am doing this for my loved ones around me so I can be around for a long time.
  • scrappymama
    scrappymama Posts: 1 Member
    Would also like to lose significant weight... somewhere in the neighborhood of 80lbs. Would like to chat with those also in my situation . I am a mom of 2 and have a business with my husband and work out of the home. We are super busy 9 months out of the year and it can be very difficult to stay on track. Am hoping some encouragement and accountabililty from others will help. Thanks