

  • She wasn't putting you down. Read what she said again. If you want results, you might have to change what you're doing. She mentioned your diary, so she was referring to the food you put in your mouth. Her point was most of the time people want to justify being able to eat crap because they "work hard". Then they wonder…
  • I am going to be blunt here, and state the obvious. Did you really think you were going to lose weight eating bigmacs, fries, chips, chip dip, chick fil a, and the like? You have to eat healthy foods, or you're working out for nothing. Sure, there are some people here that can eat whatever they want, good for them. But you…
  • Ask your doctor/nutritionlist about "starvation mode", see what they say. Don't be surprised if they laugh. You aren't going to die eating a healthy deficit and not eating back exercise calories. Your metabolism slows down when you don't eat (meaning skipping meals, only eating once or twice a day). If your body knows…
  • Were you not losing weight when you weren't eating them back? Remember that a lot of people on here are just looking for an excuse to eat more food. Don't force yourself to eat or you'll stretch your stomach. Do what works for YOU.
  • You're also 37 years old. It's possible you've started menopaus. There are loads of reasons our periods stop, I would really recommend seeing your doctor about it.
  • I wonder if someone saw me getting on a bus they would think the same thing. Even though I have changed my diet, and I exercise every single day of my life, I still get out of breath when I walk (especially if there is a hill). You SHOULDN'T even have posted this. This is the kind of thing that someone might see and just…
  • So you cut out fruits and veggies? Good call...
  • Try imgur.com
  • Is this the first time anyone has ever talked to you that wasn't female? It is possible he was just talking to you. And if he was trying to approach you to flirt, I don't think it's your kid that scared him, it was probably the fact that you seem to be a snob.
  • I'm going to be completely honest here. I looked at your diary, and the food choices you are making every day aren't the greatest. Things like bacon should be treats, not a daily indulgence. You really have to focus on eating fresh, healthy food, not pre-packaged meals. One "cheat" meal a week isn't going to hurt you, you…
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