Date Night



  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    We have our date nights...usually dinner and a movie deal. I pretty much stick with grilled fish if available, or if I want a burger....I get a burger! I don't HAVE to eat the whole thing....I can take some home. I end up boxing half my meal up and not worrying about it. I usually split fries with my husband, or I have a salad or something healthy-ish as an substitute and just steal some of his fries :P

    If I eat the whole thing, well I eat the whole thing. It's one meal, so I don't fuss over it much.

    If I know its coming, I will do some sort of a workout the day of to help lessen the impact, and if I don't know its coming, I do a workout the next day. I figure its not a big deal to go over occasionally cos I am human and being a human, we just are not perfect no matter how hard we try to be.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I take a day off each week and it hasn't hurt me yet, so I say go and enjoy your date with your husband.
    You need to live your life, and moderation isn't going to hurt you :)

    Have fun!!
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    Enjoy your burger.
  • quinjacobs
    quinjacobs Posts: 10
    I'm going to be completely honest here. I looked at your diary, and the food choices you are making every day aren't the greatest. Things like bacon should be treats, not a daily indulgence. You really have to focus on eating fresh, healthy food, not pre-packaged meals. One "cheat" meal a week isn't going to hurt you, you don't have to skip meals to "save up" for it. Exercising on a day you know you're going to have those extra calories won't hurt, but again one day isn't going to blow your whole week (unless you consume like 5,000 calories).

    I'm not putting you down, we all start somewhere. Maybe take a look at someone's diary who's lost a lot of weight for ideas on daily foods.
  • lilangel317
    lilangel317 Posts: 46 Member
    How about taking off half of the bun? Might save quite a few calories there. Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that 1200 calories is way too low for you, I bet thats under your BMR as well. I would suggest visiting, and use their BMR and fat loss calculators to see. There are a lot of posts about this concept of under eating on the forums.

    There is still alot I don't understand. This could explain why I have stalled out on my weight loss. In the beginning I was losing 1.5 to 2 lbs a week so I changed my calories goals to reflect that on MFP and it showed 1200 calories. Maybe I should change it back to the default that it set for me at the beginning and stick with that. I think it was something like 1340 a day. Would welcome any coaching you have. I have gone to the website you suggested but its a bit confusing.
  • lilangel317
    lilangel317 Posts: 46 Member
    My husband and I will go and get the order of sliders. It comes with three. He eats two of them, I eat one of them, and load up on the veggies.....1 slider is 270 calories, 5.3 grams of fat, 627 Sodium, 16 carbs. That way I get the taste I am craving, but I don't over do it!

    Great Idea! I'll see if he will go for it. He could probably eat six by himself..LOL He has a very high metabolism and can put away some food and it not affect him.
  • lilangel317
    lilangel317 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm going to be completely honest here. I looked at your diary, and the food choices you are making every day aren't the greatest. Things like bacon should be treats, not a daily indulgence. You really have to focus on eating fresh, healthy food, not pre-packaged meals. One "cheat" meal a week isn't going to hurt you, you don't have to skip meals to "save up" for it. Exercising on a day you know you're going to have those extra calories won't hurt, but again one day isn't going to blow your whole week (unless you consume like 5,000 calories).

    I'm not putting you down, we all start somewhere. Maybe take a look at someone's diary who's lost a lot of weight for ideas on daily foods.

    I noticed that your profile is private. Maybe you could share? Maybe I could get some ideas from what you are doing?
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    When I want a burger without the guilt I get it wrapped in lettuce instead of the bun. If I want a taste of the bun I scoup out the middle so there's only a shell left on the outside. I think when eating a burger it's the comination of all of the tastes together and not so much that you want to eat a huge calorie filled bun.

    I might go out for Happy Hour with Hubby tonite so I am having my protein shake for breakfast and a 1 egg/2 egg white omelet for lunch to prepare.
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    Maybe something else to look at is your sodium. I would set your macros to reflect that. Between your frozen breakfast sandwiches, frozen meals for lunch etc you could be taking in a whopping amount of sodium!
  • lilangel317
    lilangel317 Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe something else to look at is your sodium. I would set your macros to reflect that. Between your frozen breakfast sandwiches, frozen meals for lunch etc you could be taking in a whopping amount of sodium!

    Not sure that I know what you mean by setting my macros. How do I do that?
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    I recently did this for myself..

    Go to settitngs
    Diary Settings
    Nutrients Tracked
    Add in sodium
  • msstuard
    msstuard Posts: 131 Member
    I agree, with everyone who says enjoy your night out. we work hard to be able to enjoy special occasions. If you only get out every once in a while thats a special occasion and the whole reason you work so hard to improve your health. Tomorrow get back on track and use this to help make the daily sacrifices a little easier.