Date Night

My husband and I want to go out tonight and get a bite to eat and to a movie. He works nights and this is the first time I have seen him in 5 days so I don't want to spoil the evening by trying to stay on task. The movies aren't a problem as we don't usually get snacks at the movies (too expensive --- $5 for a drink? seriously?!). Anyway, he wants to go to Fudruckers (awesome hamburger joint) but the cheapest calories is for a salad. I REALLY want a burger and the cheapest burger in calories is like 561 calories and with cheese will push it over 600. How can I save my calories and still be able to eat lunch today? (Don't want my body to think I'm starving myself.) Saturdays and Sundays are usually my off days for exercise since I workout 5 days a week. Do I need to try and get a walk in before or after we go? Don't want to sound lazy but I have busted my butt all week. Any suggestions....


  • KStambulic
    KStambulic Posts: 131
    One day going over your calorie allowance won't hurt anything IMO as long as you stay on track the rest of the week. Try to eat something low cal for lunch; fill up with water, etc before you go out for dinner. Enjoy yourself by not stressing too much about what you eat. You could take a walk after the movies to spend more quality time with the hubby. :)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I don't know if it's an option for you, but we have started biking to and from our date destination. From our house to our favorite restaurant i burn about 400 calories, and then on the way back the same. Honestly, if am feeling lazy i will just go over calories and make up for it throughout the week.

    Otherwise i would have something filling like oatmeal for breakfast, and then a fruit or something small for lunch, and then have my big burger for dinner,
  • lilangel317
    lilangel317 Posts: 46 Member
    I don't know if it's an option for you, but we have started biking to and from our date destination. From our house to our favorite restaurant i burn about 400 calories, and then on the way back the same. Honestly, if am feeling lazy i will just go over calories and make up for it throughout the week.

    We live a bit far from town so biking might not be a good idea. Besides we don't have bikes..LOL Great suggestion though!
  • JanSmelly
    JanSmelly Posts: 143 Member
    First I would enjoy my date night with my husband. What is there to life if you can't enjoy doing things with the people you love? So you go over your calories, but I also saw you were under your calories by 300+ one day this week. One night isn't going to negate all your hard work.

    If I felt like I had to do something to offset some of the calories I would take a walk.
    Enjoy your night!

    ETA - Last weekend the Mister and I took off for the entire weekend. I ate and drank my heart's content. Sometimes it feels good to let go and just live.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Don't worry about going over. My husband and I go out once a week and I never worry about where we go or what to eat. I'm good the rest of the week so I get what I want an enjoy it. It has not hindered my progress any.

    As for Fuddruckers, I get a grilled chicken burger when we go and my husband gets a turkey burger. I have fries with mine because i LOVE Fuddruckers fries, but he just gets the burger and a Caesar salad
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member

    They have a pretty bomb veggie burger, which is okay on cals. Just skip the cheese and load up the veggies. And have FUN!
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    take the day off and enjoy the food...there's always plenty of guilt to deal with after:laugh:
  • rockingmom25
    See if they have a veggie burger on the menu. Red Robin has them and they are just as good a regular burger with less calories and helps you semi-stay-on-task and 1 night out won't hurt, just regroup and start the next day back on track. I also will drink a protein shake for lunch if I am going out with hubby and know I might be tempted to be bad. Good luck and enjoy your night out!
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    I'd do a little exercise for some extra calories, then prob get a burger with no cheese and no bun. Salad instead of fries if they'll let you, but really the ranch I put on a salad is prob more calories than fries...and I can't always resist fries. So have fun and just make smart choices.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Eat what you want. Drink gallons of water. Get back on track tomorrow. Don't touch your scale for at least 4 days.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    How about taking off half of the bun? Might save quite a few calories there. Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that 1200 calories is way too low for you, I bet thats under your BMR as well. I would suggest visiting, and use their BMR and fat loss calculators to see. There are a lot of posts about this concept of under eating on the forums.
  • Annmarie49
    Annmarie49 Posts: 84
    your body will not think it is starving itself if you skip lunch, however, how about some vegetable soup and some fruit = 150 calories and very filling, if you must have something.
    Go for the burges but miss out on the cheese, half a portion of fries and salad = you get it all!!!
    enjoy your date night and stop stressing!!!
  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    One day of indulgence is not going to make you gain all your weight back. I say eat your burger, get it out of your system and get right back on track tomorrow. Enjoy your date night. My husband and I have the same problem. We were supposed to go out tonight after he got home from work, but he came home early, sick with the same stomach bug our daughters and I had earlier in the week. Have a wonderful night with your hubby! Or get the salad. :-)
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    its the weekend and everyone needs a break once in a while...have the burger, don't worry about calories and have a great date night!!!!
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Honestly? Eat healthy for breakfast, and eat healthy for dinner. ENJOY the burger. =) If you feel bad about it, go for a walk later just to get yourself up and moving around.

    I say go hard. Even have some dessert and share it! =) Enjoy yourself today.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Enjoy date night! Have fun and make it up later. It's not an everyday occurrence!
  • Teachinjen
    Teachinjen Posts: 88 Member
    My husband and I will go and get the order of sliders. It comes with three. He eats two of them, I eat one of them, and load up on the veggies.....1 slider is 270 calories, 5.3 grams of fat, 627 Sodium, 16 carbs. That way I get the taste I am craving, but I don't over do it!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Fuddrocker burgers are amazing! Last time I went my boyfriend and I saved a lot of calories by sharing and we actually still got full! If you guys prefer your own and you really want to get a burger, I would recommend geting a little bit of exercise in so it doesn't affect you as bad. However, one bad day won't kill you. Have fun tonight!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Get the burger! If you still feel a little guilty, remove the bun and just enjoy the cheesy, burgery goodness with a fork and knife. One day over calories won't hurt you.

    I snarfed down an entire small order of Papa John's cheesesticks the other night and woke up two pounds lighter, so really... one day of enjoying food you love isn't going to kill your weight loss. :)
  • abcmom03
    abcmom03 Posts: 89 Member
    Tonight is date night for us also!! We are going to eat mexican food and I have been worrying about going over also. I mowed the yard and am going to get in the pool for awhile to burn off what I have already eaten today. I want to stay on track tonight but I want to enjoy myself also. I have been drinking alot of water today to combat the salt in those tortilla chips and salsa tonight! Enjoy yourself and don't fret!