jkh107 Member


  • 1. My stomach getting in the way when I want to do things. Ugh. 2. My doctor basically said there wasn't anything wrong with me that losing weigh wouldn't cure, so, yeah.
  • 2-3x/week, but my scale isn't digital or anything so daily variance is something I try not to track so much. I do weight myself naked before breakfast to make it, you know, the most accurate and low.
  • Just to add info, I am 5'1" and 179 lbs. I'm set to 1270 but eat my exercise calories, because otherwise it's too little. I have lost 1 lb/week as advertised and I feel stronger from the exercise. The only negative thing I have noticed is that each meal, while my meals are satisfying if I eat them on time--if I miss them…
  • For the most part, we all eat the same things, but I may end up eating less of it than they do. I may have a salad instead of dessert, or something, but that's easy. Working around my diet isn't really the problem. I have a child with multiple food allergies who is also a picky eater, he's really the one it's difficult to…
  • Cake. Oh, gosh, I love cake. Everything else I can just take out of the bag/box and put the box away and eat my "portion" but with cake and I am cutting my own piece, somehow I end up with 2 all of the time...!
  • I'm assigned 1270 calories (I'm short) but I usually try to exercise myself ~ -100 to -150 cal/day, so I eat closer to 1400-ish really.
  • I eat the calories I "earn" for several reasons: 1) 1270 calories a day, my normal goal, is is pretty low and sometimes leaves me hungry unless I am careful in my choice of foods (I am very short and do desk work, that's why MFP set it so low); also it's nice to "earn" a treat at the end of the day. 2) Rapid weight loss /…