jo_dibs Member


  • From all the stuff I've read, it sounds like you do need to be careful about harming your metabolism. You will lose weight eating so few calories, but you will also gain that weight back quickly because you are slowing down your metabolism by training your body to do as much as it is with less fuel. Check out…
  • I started running last year and it's a love/hate relationship. It's hard, but I love the sense of accomplishment when I push myself and beat the progress I've made before. Last December (2011) I started C25K - ran my first 5 K in March, kept going,and ran a 10K in August. That's 6 miles!!! I could barely run my first mile…
  • I get chronic migraines, and sadly, intense exercise will often set them off just because it increases my heart rate so much. Be sure to drink water, and while you're doing the exercise make sure you are breathing. Afterwards, be sure you are hydrating with electrolytes. Forget Gatorade, that has waaaay too much sugar. I…
  • Payback's a *itch. Just heat some leftover fish in the microwave for lunch tomorrow. That'll show em! Totally kidding! That would be spiteful. :-p
  • Keep your chin up! Ask any experienced runner and they will tell you they have bad days. Not every run is going to be a great run. Some days your body and/or mind aren't feeling it. Just try again. You'll be successful if you put the work in. Regardless of the bad days.
  • Bumping for later since I can't see pics at work.
  • Don't give up!! I just did level 2 today for the first time also and I thought I was going to die! Mind you, I just ran 4 miles last night so I thought for sure I wouldn't have a problem. It's hard though. I think the only way you're going to get better at it is to keep doing it! Going back to level 1 isn't going to make…
  • What did they put in? Did they fix the PVP issues? That's mainly why I stopped playing...
    in SWToR Comment by jo_dibs July 2012
  • Here is a link to an article. Phentermine is an appetite suppressant medication, and topiramate is for seizures or migraines. I actually took it for my migraines for a little bit, but not very long because I learned it makes the birth control pill…
  • Yes, you can gain weight overnight. But you don't typically gain actual fat. That takes a little longer. Relax, and just get back on track. Everyone is allowed a day or two. You'll be fine! :)
  • I've been in a gaming funk lately after SWTOR kinda tanked. Haven't bought Diablo 3 cuz I'm broke, so have been passing time with the games I got from the Humble Bundle. Mostly a PC gamer here, but I do enjoy those lovely Mario games :) Does Guild Wars 2 look promising? I would love another great MMORPG.
  • I also have crazy headaches and there is a non-hormone IUD you can get. Ask about that. It's just copper which from some reason disables the "little swimmers". ETA: This was in response to the girl who talked about her headaches...I apparently need to learn how to use the quote function. :p
  • Here is a perfect example of how much exercise matters. If you want to just weigh less, then that's cool, but if you want to look better, I think exercise is essential. Check out this lady. Same weight, but HUGE difference. The number on the scale is such an inconsistent measure of health imo.…