

  • It's called people on the internet (typically ones with no lives and too much free time on their hands) simply being weird. The whole bacon thing is like any other weird internet meme. I'm not supporting it, just saying this is where the fascination with it comes from.
  • Really depends on the girl. When it comes to sexier it's more or less girl+butt. Personally either or is fine with me, long as the butt fits on the person.
  • I don't have one but a few. Kanye West - Stronger A Day to Remember - 2nd Sucks Flaw - Get Up Again Stemm - Fact the Pain. Art of Dying - Get Through This and Linkin Park - Points of Authority help too.
  • Shouldn't be too hard. There's plenty of guys out there who treat their women like crap, control them, wants sex and no relationship, ect. Anyone who wants an exact Christian Grey needs to check themselves into the nearest nut house. 'Nuff said.
  • Tracking calories wasn't the problem. Actually I use to not count calories and just cut off all things I like and replace it with 'good' food which killed me. However tracking calories, only avoiding a few things is much easier and I can actually stick to eating better rather than think and feel like I'm on a 'diet'.
  • Nope. Never have and never will. My junk likes to have room.