kiolinski Member


  • I am in! I have T25 and Piyo. I have not been able to get through 60 days of each because I lose interest. Doing a hybrid will hopefully keep it exciting!
  • Do you follow a vegetarian diet? If not, I suggest using chicken as an alternative. It is still a lean protein.
  • I am on the second week of the program and really liking it. I use the iphone app Get Running that trains you to get to running 30 minutes straight. I started a blog where I write about how things are going with the program which you can see here: If you have any questions or need…
  • Good luck! I am just starting a program and will be doing my first race on July 8th! I started a blog to motivate myself and track my progress!
  • I just started the cool running app on my iphone and started a blog to track my progress! Hopefully it will be good motivation! Good luck to everyone doing the same program!