oldperson Member


  • I can certainly relate to that. I am 56 yr old female. I have been doing my food tracking & exercising 5 days a week, for at least 45 minutes each time & most of the time longer & I have only lost 7 lbs since December. I am working with a personal trainer who sets up my exercise programs, which change every 2 wks & we…
  • I am also struggling with dropping the pounds. I workout 5 days a week, these are pretty intense workouts. I was at 1200 calories a day & my trainer said that was not enough calories for the workouts I am doing. This may be your problem as well, have you asked your trainer? I am trying to get my calories up to 1800 a day,…
  • I would say you're doing pretty good. I have been doing this since Dec 9th & have only lost 6lbs & I exercise 5 days a week for 1-2hrs each time. My last weigh proved no results, so my Dr & personal trainer said I was under calories, I started at 1200 a day & they have now increased it to 1800. However, I don't eat that…
  • If your weight lose has stopped, it could be one of 2 things. Per my Dr & personal trainer, when I had a 2 week period where my weight remained the same, I was told by both that I was under calories, mind you I work out 5 days a week, for a total of 1hr to 2 hrs each time, combinding cardio 2 days a week with strength &…
  • If your weight lose has stopped, it could be one of 2 things. Per my Dr & personal trainer, when I had a 2 week period where my weight remained the same, I was told by both that I was under calories, mind you I work out 5 days a week, for a total of 1hr to 2 hrs each time, combinding cardio 2 days a week with strength &…
  • You did the right thing by cutting back on your calories during the day to enjoy your evening out. Sometimes we have to guestimate. When faced with this issue, I try & break things down, such as by ingredients in the sandwich & bread type. You won't get the exact, but you should be pretty close. Oldperson
  • You win. I have had this discussion with my personal trainer & physician. They both told me the same thing. You must watch your calories & exercise regularly. I asked them what about the days I don't exercise, & they said I could cut back on my calories very slightly, because this is actually when the body is working the…