Weight Loss Number Going Down Help

I will be three weeks into my dieting come monday. My first week I lost 5lbs and I lost 4lbs in my 2nd week. By the feel of my clothes I think I lost less this week however will know for sure until monday morning. Is there a reason I keep losing less and less every week? I understand I would lose a little more the first week due to water weight but I don't get why the number keeps getting smaller each week. I do not go over my calories. Actually I started off with 1400-1500cals in my first week and now I eat 1200cals. I eat pretty close to the same type of foods now that I am use to not eating fast food, poptarts, pizza pockets, tv dinners and those type of foods. I make my own salads, wraps,pasta etc at home so I can measure out my calories instead of just guessing. I do eat soup, fruit and a few veggies like I always have. The only really difference from this week and last is the fact I switched from white bread/pasta to whole grain because of my PCOS. Apparently whole wheat is suppose to be better for my body. I was drinking a lot of diet pop when I started but I have not had any in over a week. I am drinking more water and water/crystal light then when I first started. I do exercise and have been trying to get in as much as possible. I don't always get to do more then the week before but it is never less. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?


  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Um...you lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks. I would say you aren't doing a thing wrong. It isn't realistic to expect big numbers every week, or healthy to get them. Slow and steady keeps the weight off for the long haul. Also, things may tighten up with no change on the scale some weeks. This week I lost 1 pound and 1 inch off my waist. I'm happier about the inch than the weight! Being smaller is the goal, which doesn't always mean lighter! :flowerforyou:
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Well 2lbs a week is the suggested maximum so maybe your metabolism is balancing and that is the path your will start to take also if your getting closer to that TOM maybe your starting to bloat and retain water also speaking of retaining water how is your sodium intake? Not to many other things i could think of but Im not that sure about the whole weight loss thing anyways.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    Also, the more weight you lose the harder it becomes to lose large amounts at a time. I'm to the point where I'm lucky to lose 1lbs a week. The thinner you become the less likely your body will be to burn the fat off with the same effort. If you want, you could do more, or harder, exercise to burn more
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    The first 2 weeks you're losing a lot.. which is water weight; I lost 9lbs in a week. Then the third week I lost only a pound. Yes, it is discouraging but your body is adjusting to everything. I was eating only 1630 calories daily and working out for at least 40 minutes for 6 days. I would eat half, if not all my exercise calories. I lost another a pound doing this but I felt good. I knew I was eating healthy and my stamina was getting better. They say that even though you don't see pounds dropping, you might be losing inches. I didn't measure myself when I first started but I did yesterday (had to buy me a tape). Today is the start of my 4th week and I was given a link about hitting a plateau. From the link, I learned that I needed to change up my workout time and my meals because my body was getting used to it. So instead of working out in the afternoon, I started doing it last night. I woke up sore but it's a "good" sore feeling. I changed my calorie intake to 1500 as well.

    Don't forget to drink lots of water. :drinker:

    Here's the link I was talking about. Hope it works.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    No it's not close to TOM so I know it is not that. I didn't think at the time to track my inches since it is hard for me to do it by my self and I don't really want someone else to see the numbers. I just find it hard because I feel like I am putting more effort in to get smaller results. I hate whole wheat but I have been eating it. I was hoping that was going to help me out more on the scale. Thanks for the link posted.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    No it's not close to TOM so I know it is not that. I didn't think at the time to track my inches since it is hard for me to do it by my self and I don't really want someone else to see the numbers. I just find it hard because I feel like I am putting more effort in to get smaller results. I hate whole wheat but I have been eating it. I was hoping that was going to help me out more on the scale.

    I had my husband measure me, it was a little embarrassing but he loves me. Lol!

    Remember it took us years to get this weight on, so it will take time to get it off. Patience is a virtue.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    For the most part, fat loss does not happen that quickly. The scale weighs everything, not just fat. Most people, realistically, can only lose 0.5 to 2.0 lbs of fat in a week. So if your are losing 3, 4, 5+ lbs on the scale each week, it is almost certain that 50% or more of that loss is not fat. There are a lot of shifts, both fluid and fuel storage, that occur in the early stages of starting a diet/workout program. If you are noticing a slowdown after a couple of weeks, that is most likely your body adapting to the initial changes and what you will see is more of a "true" fat loss pattern--i.e. a pound or so per week.

    The other thing is mental outlook--if you see this as a short-term "diet", then it is almost 100% certain that any weight loss you achieve will not be permanent.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    No I don't see it as a short time diet. I want to fully change how I eat so I can continue eating like this for the rest of my life. I know I could probably go on Akins, South Beach etc but once I stop the program I would go back to how I use to eat and gain it all back. I want to make a permanent change but at the same time this 1 or 2lbs seems frustrating.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    No I don't see it as a short time diet. I want to fully change how I eat so I can continue eating like this for the rest of my life. I know I could probably go on Akins, South Beach etc but once I stop the program I would go back to how I use to eat and gain it all back. I want to make a permanent change but at the same time this 1 or 2lbs seems frustrating.

    You're right, it can be frustrating. Especially when we are bombarded incessantly with magazines with "miracle diets" that promise 10lbs losses in a week, or the staged excesses on The Biggest Loser.

    That's just how our bodies work, however. That's why we're all here for support and to share the tips, tricks and strategies we use to keep going and keep faith.
  • oldperson
    oldperson Posts: 8 Member
    I would say you're doing pretty good. I have been doing this since Dec 9th & have only lost 6lbs & I exercise 5 days a week for 1-2hrs each time. My last weigh proved no results, so my Dr & personal trainer said I was under calories, I started at 1200 a day & they have now increased it to 1800. However, I don't eat that much, I eat anywhere from 1200-1500 a day, because of the amount of exercise I do. Try changing what you eat, by adding or subtracting something, don't just look at the calories. I would also try to change up your exercise routine. If you are exercising & doing the same thing over and over again, your body will become use to this routine & in turn your metabolism slows down. My trainer writes up a new program for me to follow every 2 weeks. For example my current 2 week program is 2 days of strictly cardio, for 45 minutes, the other 3 days is strength training with a cardio mix. I alternate the days, so my body isn't sure what I am going to do that day. The other thing is on the days that you don't exercise, cut back on your calories, just a little, but not to much, because this is actually the day when your body is working the hardest to recover from your workouts. Remember before you exercise to eat some protein/fiber filled foods about a 1/2 hr to 45 minutes, so your body has something to work with, likewise, when you have finished exercising you have a 30-45 minute window to eat something with high protein, so your body can still burn calories even if you are not exercising, because if you don't do this, it is just like you never even worked out. Good luck Oldperson
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    No I don't see it as a short time diet. I want to fully change how I eat so I can continue eating like this for the rest of my life. I know I could probably go on Akins, South Beach etc but once I stop the program I would go back to how I use to eat and gain it all back. I want to make a permanent change but at the same time this 1 or 2lbs seems frustrating.

    You're right, it can be frustrating. Especially when we are bombarded incessantly with magazines with "miracle diets" that promise 10lbs losses in a week, or the staged excesses on The Biggest Loser.

    That's just how our bodies work, however. That's why we're all here for support and to share the tips, tricks and strategies we use to keep going and keep faith.

    I was really heavy and I hated it when I lost only a pound or two a week but by the same token I didn't put it on all at once so to expect to come off quick is unrealistic. In addition, the time it has taken me to get it off has really given me the time to develop good habits - including exercising. I used to hate it. Now I hate not going doing my daily routines.... I was ready to kill my hubby on Thursday because we had a snowstorm and I couldn't go to the gym. Took me 1/2 a day to realize why I was so cranky with him when he wasn't doing anything.

    Now that I'm almost at my goal I would kill to be losing a pound a week, so its all a matter of perspective.

    Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks Oldperson for the advice. I do normally eat first but I don't think to eat afterwords. I have been using the number the site had given me for calorie intake. Maybe the number is not suiting me well. I guess I am just going to have to get use to this crazy slow process.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    You are not doing anything wrong. Keep on doing what you are doing and the weight will come off. You have had excellent results so far. You will have weeks when you may not lose anything or may even gain. That is to be expected. Just keep on keeping on. It takes a while......
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks for the support and input everyone :)