

  • Hi Girls, I am 22 and have just joined this group. I try to log on MFP as much as I can (which hasn't been too often lately). I have a desk-job so I'm pretty much sitting most of the day and find it quite difficult to lose those pounds! My SW was 165 CW: 160 GW: 147 So I've already lost 5 but would like to be just under a…
  • We both completed it! :)
  • Count me in and my sister has agreed to do it with me!
  • This is a great group idea! I'm in! Want to have a flat stomach for summer :)
  • I'm on this same programme too! Would be great to have someone else to motivate me so add me if you would like? I'm struggling with week 7 by the way! Nearly there though but need a push!!
  • I will definitely try this tip thank you! I am not eating any more calories than I had previously done (prior to my proper month's diet and exercise regime) and I am actually eating plenty more fruits and veggies and tracking my calories - they're usually around 1200 a day.
  • Will give the interval training a go! I think these pieces of advice seem to be great for anyone who may be in the same situation as me! Thanks all! :) Your last point made me laugh! :) That's very funny! I'm Irish! We're meant to be in the fields cutting potatoes and the likes :P Thanks a mill everyone for all your…
  • Love these pieces of info! Didn't know that about water before! Will make sure to get my 8 glasses in a day! Is this the amount you should be taking even on a run day? :)
  • Such great responses! :) I do hope that you all are right and that it is the fact that I am a new runner and that my body is simply adjusting. I have noticed a small change in my legs toning up a little - (always a plus)! Oh, I forgot to mention I will also try the stretching a lot more. One person posted that this helped…
  • Hi Everyone! Wow! What a great number of replies and so much support! :) Thank you everyone! My eating habits are pretty good (well, so I thought) and I have been tracking calories for a good while now too. I will try and cut out coffee, etc. and incorporate more water into my diet however instead - (thanks for all the…
  • I think you should definitely go for it!! :) Very jealous you can already run that amount. I've been trying for a while now to get up to running 5K... well, at least religiously running a month and I can't get past 3.5K! :( Good luck! :)
  • Thank you for your reply. Yes, it may be diet related however I am eating a lot healthier than I had done before- salads and plenty of fruit and veg in most days! I will try stick with it, but it's hard when you don't see any change at all on the scales.