nsdodge Member


  • I would echo what others have said and try melatonin. It is very cheap and safe and doesn't turn you into a zombie like the more intense prescription sleep drugs. Personally, I find a hot bath, melatonin, and a cup of chamomile tea to be the perfect combo for a restful night's sleep.
  • I aim for at least 10,000 steps a day as well as 50 stairs a day, using a fitbit. It's possible for me because I have built it into my daily routine - I walk 1.5 hilly miles to and from work and always use the stairs instead of the elevator. It's amazing what a different walking instead of driving makes. I don't count that…
  • MFP defaults to a 15% protein 55% carbohydrate 30% fat diet. It is easy to change this if you go to goals and choose custom rather than guided. I found this website very helpful about what kind of diet to choose for weight loss: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/best-weight-loss-diet/ The take home message is it…
  • Good luck! I am back again too after about 12 months more or less off. It's never too late to succeed.
  • I am 24 and trying to lose 23 pounds before my Birthday at the end of May. Feel free to add me!
  • If you want to keep the setting at sedentary, I would suggest logging all of your activity, even if it is just walking around school, cleaning the house, etc. and then eat those calories back. Sedentary really means sedentary and doesn't include walking half the day. Also, I think if you set yourself a higher limit, say…
  • To all the people who say cow milk is destroying the world, the planting of soy beans is resulting in the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, because of America's excessive demand for soy. Almonds are a terrible monoculture in California. So don't judge other people so hastily and assume you are saving the world through…
  • I am 5' 3" and would like to lose about 30-40 more pounds. Feel free to add me and good luck to you!
  • Invest in a more expensive blender! It will last forever and actually make great smoothies. After going through two cheap blenders in two years, I bought a beautiful orange kitchenaid brand blender and its some of the best money ever spent.
  • I have had mine since 2006 and I love it. No, you don't have to take it out and wash it 2-3 times a day. It usually lasts around 12 hours, which is SO much better than a tampon. As far as changing it in a public bathroom, I usually don't need to. If necessary I find a handicapped bathroom with a sink, clean it out first…
  • I am from the US but moving to Wellington for graduate school in two weeks. Yay!
  • You need to find the diet that YOU (not your doctor) can stick to until you have lost the weight and got your numbers where they need to be. For me at least it was more of a mental thing than about this diet or that diet, carbs or no carbs - you need to convince yourself that you CAN succeed and that you are willing to…
  • I am 5'3". I started my long and winding weight loss journey at 170, and am currently at 135. I am really not satisfied with the way I look, even though this was my original goal - my thighs are still really chunky even though my upper body looks pretty good. So now I am going for 125 and hopefully I feel good about the…
  • I just committed to a month of yoga- a local studio had a $30 deal for 30 days of unlimited classes, which I think is pretty amazing. I am trying to make it every single day, which is turning out to be much harder than I originally thought. I have beginner hot yoga today, so that should be a little easier than the Vinyasa…
  • I don't have any kids but I do work really long hours - 50 -70 a week. I have come up with a few healthy foods that are really quick to make and healthy. Also I tend to make my food on Sundays for the whole week, and put it in separate one serving containers to eat all week long. 1. Sauteed spinach with garlic, olive oil,…
  • It depends on how much you weigh and how fast you are going. At 5.0 mph, walking and running burn the same amount of calories. If you can only run a mile, you will burn more calories walking 3 briskly. However, running is also good for you because it raises your heart rate, which you would be less likely to get from…