

  • Hello! I am new to this too. I have used this ap off and on since January, but now am on track with my goal in sight! Good luck! You can add me if you want AmyE73
  • LOL! I did that the other day when I did my first time on the bike for 45 minutes! I got off and had to hold on to the bike for a minute!
  • I'm new too! I am a mom of four. My goal is to lose 20 lbs and be in better overall shape! Good luck to you! I love this site, especially since I can access it on my iphone and here on my laptop! :smile:
  • This is week two here for me but I haven't posted until today. I'm still not sure how to create my own post so if anyone can help with that I'd appreciate that. I am here to lose weight and get into shape. I saw a picture of myself over christmas next to my best friend and was shocked how fat I looked! My goal is to lose…
    in New here Comment by AmyE73 January 2011