

  • I am IN!! :) Thanks!!!
  • That is AWESOME!!! I am like you were when you started, elipicals absolutely kill me! If I do 10-15 minutes, my legs are so sore the next 2-3 days I can hardly walk. What a great idea to use aqua areobics to work up to it. NOT LAME, that is fantastic!!1
  • Good for you!! I have three kids and they love fruits/veggies but it is something I've always made and they have had for meals. A child will not starve itself when there is food to eat--trust me, you are making the right choice! :) You should feel GOOD that you are giving them what their bodies need!!
  • I have found the "chocolate mint ice cream" gum tastes like the real thing... but it's only 5 calories. It has successfully curbed my need for 'sweets' without all the guilt!! Good luck!!
  • Good for you!! MFP has been the key to my success! I've been using it since October, and I'm down 28 pounds. :) Good luck!!! It's all in the mind set you have... if you are ready you will be successful!!!