

  • It's so frustrating that a silly little number means so much!
  • Thank you! :)
  • I add creamer to my coffee. Not ridiculous amounts like some folks, but enough to where the calories matter. I also drink coffee 2-3 times a day, with the creamer. I do not drink juice or any other sort of liquid that would have calories in it. Just water and coffee. How important is it to monitor my macro and…
  • thanks for all the answers! I realize that there are no "magic" pills especially when it comes to weight/fat loss. Just curious to know everyones experiences with them :)
  • Have you ever taken them?
  • good for you! I'm 19 and 20 in a few months. I want to lose 10-15 pounds. I can relate on the ED part, but I am recovered. Congratulations on your recovery as well! Lets do this right this time around!
  • wow! I can't believe you've lost that much weight! How do you stay motivated? (and congratulations! What a huge accomplishment!)
  • I am currently 140, and I've been 115 before. It was very hard to maintain so I feel like 125 would be a good spot for me. However, I've never had to lose 15 pounds and it just seems impossible. My motivation in lacking.
  • It's so hard not to gain weight and to be super active. I want to go out and socialize but I do need the extra calories from alcohol
  • Thank you for your responses! I like to know that people have similar goals to mine. It seems impossible sometimes. Anyways I wish you all the best of luck on your journey :smile:
  • pea protein powder! Just a few teaspoons mixed into a smoothie or something and it helps reduce cravings
  • I was actually curious about carb cycling because of Chris Powell. I've just never tried it and was wondering how effective it was on anyone that tried it. Or if it was even worth trying out at all
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