Booksflutterby Member


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  • I'm all for encouraging others and accepting encouragement back. I've lost 16 pounds and still need to lose about 40 more. Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend. :smile:
  • Nerd/Geek and proud of it! Always have been. Always will be.
  • I moved here in 2001 and love it! The summers are so much better than Texas heat, and I don't miss the storms in the Dallas area. I moved here because my family had slowly moved up here one-by-one (mom, brothers), and after my divorce I thought, why not? The transition was a little tough at first. The people in the area…
  • I have Hoshimoto's as well (diagnosed a year ago), so I can relate. If you need some encouragement or someone on your side, add me as a friend. I'm always looking for support and for people I can support in return.
  • I'm a native Texan living in Washington state now. My home state is the land of big behinds (mine also being one of them) thanks to amazing food! I'm trying to lose about 40 more pounds, and it's not easy. But I'm not giving up or giving in. I will lose it. If you want some support and encouragement, add me as a friend. I…
  • I'm Christy and I think community support is very important. Add me if you'd like! :-)
  • Hi Kimberly. I'm starting up again after losing and gaining back weight several times. This is it for me. I could use some support and encouragement too. I fully believe with a good support system, we can do it!
  • Welcome! My husband and I have been using MFP off and on for a while, but we rededicated ourselves to losing weight and getting in shape a week ago. It really helps me stay on track and keep pushing forward. I'm more dedicated and determined this time than I have been in years. I'm tired of going up and down. We can do it!…